Dillan Marsh

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universe: research / work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / repeat / loop / system / box / fair / arena / vehicle / temporary / transport / belief / structure / car / cycle / movement / driving / game / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / desire / circle / light / darkness / space / installation / super / Norway / booth / empty / model / artificial / sun / studio / collapse / 2013 / escape / orbit / time / publication / communicaton / action / body / range / plan / Eleanor_Clare / diagramme / total / Entree / noise / New_Age / universe / religion / drawing / death / costume / screen / creation / lights / order / solar / cabinate / edition / landscape / 2015 / hippie / course / June_Twenty_First / simulation / catalogue / geometry / map / carnival / cube / dance / mask / archetype / double / wheel / magic / pyramid / destroy / view / therapy / custom / connection / camp / 2014 / modern / motion / disguise / machismo / astronomy / midsummer / circus / field / Bjorn_Mortensen / collage / crowd / dizzy / burn / accumulator / cosmos / transformation / chamber / helmet / chaos / solstice / electromagnetic / poster / panoramic / dvd / spinning / chair / wave / road / speed / trick / Burnout / speaker / earth / nature / matter / rave / sound_system / megalith / solar_system / pattern / constellation / theatre / cruise / orgone / roundabout / pool / increase / phenomena / Apis_Press / cardboard / camera / isolation / band / giant / survival / Comedy_and_Tragedy / sick / festival / magnetic_field / spectrum / Bergen / Francois_Hugo / reconstruction / colour / Wilhelm_Reich / heliotherapy / Appendix / gold / sequence / balance / Nestle / Rush / delay / Skjoenne_Sjeler / emotional / Seljord / star / planets / march / free-party / tape / Anond_Versto / chacras / transmissions / river / cruising / line / head / rubbing / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / Peter Cailler / excitement / JoAnn_Bernofsky / Clark_Richert / chord / free_party / self_sufficient / St._Hansbal / nitrogen / Richard_Kallweit / Gene_Bernofsky / Charles_DiJulio / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / drop_city / spiral / Rhine / cantellation / 6018 B.C. / shaking / car_park / techno / mummers / alchemy / Deuxpiece / Richard J. Benson / NEVERODDOREVEN / Cairo / 1960 / concert / russ / tunnel / sandpaper / Basel / 1966 / Ivan_Sanderson / ants / the_mathematical_society_of_traffic_flow / sunrise / Buro_fur_Problem /

Comedy and Tragedy, Collage 2015-02-14

Comedy and Tragedy, Collage

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / collaboration / repeat / box / cycle / energy / ritual / darkness / studio / orbit / Eleanor_Clare / universe / costume / 2015 / mask / carnival / dance / double / therapy / disguise / dizzy / collage / spinning / chaos / theatre / Comedy_and_Tragedy / sick / tape / rubbing / head / sandpaper / mummers /

Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue 2014-08-10

Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / text / collaboration / super / Norway / publication / total / universe / costume / landscape / catalogue / mask / motion / 2014 / astronomy / helmet / cosmos / poster / nature / constellation / solar_system / Francois_Hugo / star / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Nestle / gold / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Anond_Versto / Ellen_H_Suhrke /

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-07-13

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / fair / arena / temporary / vehicle / transport / movement / car / cycle / energy / video / drive / ritual / desire / light / circle / darkness / installation / Norway / sun / time / action / noise / universe / lights / solar / landscape / archetype / carnival / view / custom / camp / 2014 / motion / machismo / field / crowd / dizzy / burn / chaos / dvd / spinning / panoramic / speed / Burnout / speaker / trick / rave / cruise / theatre / sound_system / constellation / camera / festival / pool / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / free-party / Rush / cruising / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / river / Anond_Versto / free_party / Rhine / nitrogen / russ / techno / concert / tunnel / car_park / sunrise /

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage 2014-02-10

Collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Sciences, Decouvertes, Explorations, Avenures, Series 22

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / ritual / space / studio / action / universe / creation / solar / geometry / mask / archetype / magic / modern / 2014 / astronomy / machismo / collage / transformation / matter / constellation / Francois_Hugo / gold / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Peter Cailler / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / alchemy /

Comedy and Tragedy, Text 2014-02-08

Comedy and Tragedy, Text

Comedy and Tragedy
text by Eleanor Clare, 2014, published in NEVERODDOREVEN, Deuxpiece and Buro fur Problem, Basel

I was frantic, feeling a little sick and dizzy, but determined to carry on.
What had to be done, had to be done. It was a desperate attempt.
It was a hollow action.
It was just doing for the sake of doing.
It was doing to find some momentary release from the feeling of total inertia, of being stuck.
Now I must talk of hollow laughter.
Some say it is the laughter of a psychopath: cold, hard, unfeeling.
I say it is simply laughter at the end of the tether.
They say, if you don't laugh you'll cry.
I have been laughing this way.
I cry until I laugh, and laugh until I cry.
There is not much in between, but for an empty and desolate expanse stretching out ahead.
When I am laughing, I do not know if the laughter itself feels unreal, or if I myself am unreal.
It seems like I have been caught by something I cannot quite grasp.
I am in its grip: the grip of humour.
Watching myself on a screen, I make myself laugh, for I am hysterical.
Here I am comedy.
I laugh a senseless, reasonless laughter that has no meaning, other than to shake and move in a way that is ridiculous.
It is laughter in the extreme, because it cannot end until it reaches the opposite pole: tragedy.


"Emotions exist beyond time, as the pulse of pure physical connection to the world and its music.
Like music, they are a form of movement _ the origin of the word emotion lies in the Latin, emovere, to move out, remove, agitiate."

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / repeat / loop / box / movement / game / video / ritual / darkness / empty / artificial / studio / collapse / orbit / communicaton / publication / action / body / Eleanor_Clare / universe / screen / costume / edition / mask / carnival / archetype / dance / 2014 / motion / disguise / dizzy / circus / dvd / spinning / speed / theatre / sick / Comedy_and_Tragedy / cardboard / emotional / excitement / Deuxpiece / NEVERODDOREVEN / Basel / shaking / Buro_fur_Problem /

the Mathematical Society of Traffic Flow 2013-08-31

Tags: work / documentation / repeat / loop / system / vehicle / transport / cycle / driving / movement / car / video / drive / circle / artificial / orbit / universe / simulation / connection / wheel / road / roundabout / pattern / delay / sequence / balance / the_mathematical_society_of_traffic_flow /

Apis Press Publication 2013-08-14

Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication printed by Apis Press in collaboration with Bjorn Mortensen and Entree all texts by Eleanor Clare Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / collaboration / print / 2013 / publication / Entree / Eleanor_Clare / universe / June_Twenty_First / edition / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / Apis_Press / Bergen / Appendix /

Ant Circle 2013-07-28

Tags: research / work / documentation / loop / system / movement / cycle / video / circle / escape / communicaton / universe / death / destroy / crowd / phenomena / survival / march / ants /

Magnetic Field Directions 2013-07-02

Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions

Tags: research / system / cycle / energy / orbit / action / range / universe / geometry / map / astronomy / electromagnetic / earth / wave / band / magnetic_field / transmissions /

Spiral Solar System 2013-07-02

Spiral Solar System

Tags: research / repeat / loop / system / structure / movement / space / orbit / universe / solar / creation / order / astronomy / solar_system / magnetic_field / increase / spiral /

Chakras 2013-07-02

Chakras Chakras Chakras

Tags: research / circle / light / sun / body / New_Age / universe / religion / solar / hippie / spectrum / colour / heliotherapy / chacras /

Whole Earth Geometry 2013-07-02

Electro-magnetic anomalies, as identified by Ivan Sanderson in the late 1960s, were the impetus for a worldwide reinvestigation of practical whole earth geometry. A source of confusion has been over the location of equally spaced points zig-zagging the globe 36° from the equator. This is not point latitude but rather the angle of incidence with the equator (as shown above). Whole Earth Geometry

Tags: research / system / loop / structure / belief / cycle / energy / model / orbit / diagramme / plan / total / universe / drawing / geometry / map / connection / astronomy / electromagnetic / earth / wave / pattern / solar_system / band / giant / magnetic_field / sequence / line / chord / 1960 / Ivan_Sanderson /

The Chakras and The Stars 2013-06-27

The Chakras and The Stars

Tags: research / loop / system / belief / cycle / space / orbit / body / New_Age / universe / solar / astronomy / cosmos / solar_system / planets / chacras /

Cube Cantellation Sequence 2013-06-23

Cube Cantellation Sequence

Tags: research / system / box / universe / geometry / cube / sequence / cantellation /

Worlds Oldest Map 2013-06-23

The world's oldest map, which Richard J. "Dick" Benson dates to 6018 B.C., depicts the elegant theory of mathematics embodied in the planning of the city of Cairo. The megaliths shown are (C) Cheops, (K) Kephren, (M) Mikerinus, and (S) Sphinx. Benson's work may well provide a helpful, radically new framework for historical linguistics as well as uncover a lost simplicity in the art and numbers of geometry.
Worlds Oldest Map

Tags: research / system / diagramme / universe / map / pyramid / megalith / 6018 B.C. / Richard J. Benson / Cairo /

solar system chart 6938 2012-12-02

solar system chart 6938 solar system chart 6938 solar system chart 6938

Tags: research / system / light / circle / model / 2013 / sun / orbit / universe / order / solar / course / midsummer / solstice / cosmos / star / St._Hansbal /

The_Ultimate_painting 2012-08-25

The_Ultimate_painting The_Ultimate_painting

Tags: research / circle / universe / hippie / camp / reconstruction / self_sufficient / Richard_Kallweit / Gene_Bernofsky / Charles_DiJulio / drop_city / JoAnn_Bernofsky / Clark_Richert / 1966 /

orgone accumulator 2012-08-25

orgone accumulator

Tags: research / photograph / box / belief / energy / desire / booth / empty / universe / cabinate / hippie / therapy / field / accumulator / chamber / chair / orgone / isolation / increase / Wilhelm_Reich /

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