Dillan Marsh
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Contact Peter Cailler:
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ritual /
print /
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circle /
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collection /
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2013 /
studio /
sun /
collapse /
time /
orbit /
action /
Entree /
noise /
universe /
New_Age /
animation /
black /
tube /
costume /
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solar /
order /
creation /
sound /
scaffold /
2015 /
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modified /
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rock /
fire /
shelving /
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film /
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magic /
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disguise /
2014 /
astronomy /
machismo /
collage /
burn /
rubber /
transformation /
dvd /
presentation /
dome /
helmet /
steel /
cosmos /
club /
road /
matter /
postcard /
riot /
Burnout /
speed /
Randi_Grov_Berger /
roundabout /
press_release /
solar_system /
rave /
constellation /
band /
spectrum /
rubish /
Francois_Hugo /
phenomena /
cardboard /
star /
march /
drum /
ladder /
free-party /
Nestle /
planets /
gold /
tank /
Archway /
london /
Peter Cailler /
Hugo_and_the_Cosmos /
Hugo_and_the_Planets /
Infernal_Eternal /
platonic_solids /
Sunderland /
geo-dome /
Piramid Stage /
Kohler /
chemistry /
hour_meter /
John Higgins /
Marduk /
dice /
Nothing_About_Trees /
E_C_Cawte /
alchemy /
1981 /
2000 /
Guisers /
drinking_straws /
Glastonbury /
Cash & Carry, Entree 2015-12-10 Entree
Cash & Carry
05.12 – 09.01
Markeveien 4b
5012 Bergen
Tue 12- 6pm
Wed 12- 6pm
Thu 12- 8pm
Fri 12- 6pm
Sat 12- 6pm
Sun 14- 7pm
Marthe Elise Stramrud, Sveinung Rudjord Unneland, Tom Kosmo, Azar Alsharif, Lasse Arikstad, Dillan Marsh, Magnhild oen Nordahl, Cato Loland, Bjorn Mortensen, Toril Johannessen, Heidi Bjorgan, Stian Adlandsvik, Lars Korff Lofthus, Bjorn-Henrik Lybeck, Johanna Lettmayer, Anngjerd Rustand, Julie Lillelien Porter, Anne Marthe Dyvi, Borghild Rudjord Unneland, Malin Lennstrom-Ortwall, Kay Arne Kirkebo, Randi Nygard, Tatiana Lozano, Klara Sofie Ludvigsen, Lisa Him-Jensen, Torgrim Sund, Kirsti van Hoegee, Sif Ankergard, Gabriel Johann Kvendseth, Terence Koh, Scott Elliott, Trollkrem, Linn Pedersen, Tag Andersson, Kristin Tarnesvik, Vilde Salhus Roed.
work /
exhibition /
documentation /
system /
cycle /
light /
studio /
sun /
orbit /
Entree /
costume /
order /
solar /
2015 /
double /
archetype /
mask /
disguise /
collage /
cosmos /
Randi_Grov_Berger /
constellation /
press_release /
spectrum /
Francois_Hugo /
gold /
planets /
Nestle /
star /
Peter Cailler /
Hugo_and_the_Cosmos /
Hugo_and_the_Planets /
Hugo and the Cosmos, collage 2014-02-10
Collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Sciences, Decouvertes, Explorations, Avenures, Series 22
work /
recent_work /
trade /
documentation /
ritual /
space /
studio /
action /
universe /
solar /
creation /
geometry /
mask /
archetype /
magic /
machismo /
modern /
2014 /
astronomy /
collage /
transformation /
matter /
constellation /
Francois_Hugo /
gold /
Peter Cailler /
Hugo_and_the_Cosmos /
chemistry /
Hugo_and_the_Planets /
alchemy /
untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19
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photography Ben Turner
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work /
exhibition /
recent_work /
documentation /
photograph /
equipment /
component /
repeat /
stand /
loop /
race /
vehicle /
structure /
belief /
driving /
car /
cycle /
energy /
video /
drive /
ritual /
print /
darkness /
circle /
space /
collection /
installation /
2013 /
collapse /
time /
orbit /
action /
noise /
New_Age /
animation /
black /
tube /
costume /
screen /
solar /
sound /
scaffold /
geometry /
modified /
music /
gallery /
dance /
mask /
cube /
rock /
fire /
shelving /
custom /
film /
pyramid /
wheel /
tire /
disguise /
machismo /
burn /
rubber /
dvd /
presentation /
dome /
helmet /
steel /
club /
road /
postcard /
riot /
Burnout /
speed /
roundabout /
solar_system /
rave /
band /
spectrum /
rubish /
Francois_Hugo /
phenomena /
cardboard /
march /
drum /
ladder /
free-party /
Nestle /
planets /
tank /
Archway /
london /
Peter Cailler /
Infernal_Eternal /
platonic_solids /
Sunderland /
geo-dome /
Piramid Stage /
Kohler /
hour_meter /
John Higgins /
Marduk /
dice /
Nothing_About_Trees /
E_C_Cawte /
1981 /
2000 /
Guisers /
drinking_straws /
Glastonbury /
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