Dillan Marsh

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astronomy: research / work / exhibition / recent_work / trade / documentation / text / collaboration / repeat / loop / system / structure / belief / movement / cycle / energy / ritual / darkness / light / circle / space / super / model / Norway / sun / studio / orbit / publication / range / body / action / total / plan / diagramme / New_Age / universe / black / drawing / costume / creation / order / solar / landscape / geometry / map / catalogue / archetype / mask / connection / magic / modern / motion / astronomy / machismo / 2014 / collage / helmet / solstice / electromagnetic / poster / cosmos / transformation / wave / matter / earth / nature / pattern / solar_system / rainbow / constellation / increase / phenomena / magnetic_field / band / giant / Francois_Hugo / sequence / planets / gold / Skjoenne_Sjeler / star / Nestle / Robert_Fludd / chacras / transmissions / Peter Cailler / Ellen_H_Suhrke / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / 1617 / line / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / storm / Anond_Versto / spiral / weather / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / chord / 1618 / 1555 / Ivan_Sanderson / atmosphere / moon / tornado / Michael_Maier / Olaus_Magnus / aurora / Finnmark / earthquake / Josef_Gabriel_Frey / 1960 / midnight_sun / alchemy /

Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue 2014-08-10

Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue Skjonne Sjeler Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / text / collaboration / super / Norway / publication / total / universe / costume / landscape / catalogue / mask / motion / 2014 / astronomy / helmet / cosmos / poster / nature / constellation / solar_system / Francois_Hugo / star / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Nestle / gold / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Anond_Versto / Ellen_H_Suhrke /

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage 2014-02-10

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage

Collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Sciences, Decouvertes, Explorations, Avenures, Series 22

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / ritual / space / studio / action / universe / creation / solar / geometry / mask / archetype / magic / modern / 2014 / astronomy / machismo / collage / transformation / matter / constellation / Francois_Hugo / gold / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Peter Cailler / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / alchemy /

Phenomenons Below and Above the Earth 2013-07-03

Phenomenons Below and Above the Earth
Phämomen über, und unter Erden (Ansichten von atmosphärischen u. a. Phänomenen), Jos. Gabriel Frey, 1878

Tags: research / system / cycle / darkness / sun / solar / astronomy / solstice / rainbow / phenomena / magnetic_field / storm / weather / moon / atmosphere / earthquake / Josef_Gabriel_Frey / aurora / midnight_sun / tornado /

Magnetic Field Directions 2013-07-02

Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions Magnetic Field Directions

Tags: research / system / cycle / energy / orbit / action / range / universe / geometry / map / astronomy / electromagnetic / earth / wave / band / magnetic_field / transmissions /

Spiral Solar System 2013-07-02

Spiral Solar System

Tags: research / repeat / loop / system / structure / movement / space / orbit / universe / solar / creation / order / astronomy / solar_system / magnetic_field / increase / spiral /

Whole Earth Geometry 2013-07-02

Electro-magnetic anomalies, as identified by Ivan Sanderson in the late 1960s, were the impetus for a worldwide reinvestigation of practical whole earth geometry. A source of confusion has been over the location of equally spaced points zig-zagging the globe 36° from the equator. This is not point latitude but rather the angle of incidence with the equator (as shown above). Whole Earth Geometry

Tags: research / system / loop / structure / belief / cycle / energy / model / orbit / diagramme / plan / total / universe / drawing / geometry / map / connection / astronomy / electromagnetic / earth / wave / pattern / solar_system / band / giant / magnetic_field / sequence / line / chord / 1960 / Ivan_Sanderson /

The Chakras and The Stars 2013-06-27

The Chakras and The Stars

Tags: research / loop / system / belief / cycle / space / orbit / body / New_Age / universe / solar / astronomy / cosmos / solar_system / planets / chacras /

Olaus Magnus, on Finnmark and its Inhabitants 2013-06-23

Olaus Magnus, on Finnmark and its Inhabitants Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, book 1, On Finnmark and its Inhabitants, Published 1555 Illustrating that the year in the far North consist of one day and one night only.

Tags: research / cycle / darkness / Norway / sun / solar / astronomy / 1555 / Olaus_Magnus / Finnmark /

Michael Maier Atalanta Fugiens 2012-12-02

MICHAEL MAIER, Count of the Imperial Consistory M.D., Eq. ex. &c
Michael Maier Atalanta Fugiens

Tags: research / darkness / light / sun / solar / astronomy / solstice / 1618 / Michael_Maier /

Robert Fludd 2012-11-02

Robert Fludd Robert Fludd

Tags: research / darkness / light / circle / space / sun / black / map / astronomy / cosmos / Robert_Fludd / 1617 /

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