Dillan Marsh
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1617 /
Robert_Fludd /
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R_Murray_Schafer /
Ivan_Sanderson /
1960 /
Whole Earth Geometry 2013-07-02
Electro-magnetic anomalies, as identified by Ivan Sanderson in the late 1960s, were the impetus for a worldwide reinvestigation of practical whole earth geometry. A source of confusion has been over the location of equally spaced points zig-zagging the globe 36° from the equator. This is not point latitude but rather the angle of incidence with the equator (as shown above).
research /
system /
loop /
belief /
structure /
cycle /
energy /
model /
orbit /
plan /
total /
diagramme /
universe /
drawing /
geometry /
map /
connection /
astronomy /
electromagnetic /
earth /
wave /
solar_system /
pattern /
magnetic_field /
band /
giant /
sequence /
line /
chord /
1960 /
Ivan_Sanderson /
Robert Fludd The Tuning of the World 2012-11-02
R. Murray Schafer … the earth forms the body of an instrument across which strings are stretched and are tuned by a divine hand. We must try once again to find the secret of that tuning.”
research /
energy /
space /
sun /
noise /
religion /
black /
order /
sound /
music /
geometry /
audio /
acoustic /
1617 /
Robert_Fludd /
chord /
R_Murray_Schafer /
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