Dillan Marsh

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print: research / work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / logo / facade / blue / design / text / brand / component / collaboration / 2012 / stand / repeat / system / loop / fair / box / arena / vehicle / temporary / race / structure / transport / belief / cycle / driving / function / car / movement / game / production / energy / video / ritual / drive / print / architecture / desire / light / modular / darkness / circle / space / elevation / super / team / installation / quote / collection / booth / artificial / Norway / empty / studio / collapse / 2013 / orbit / time / shop / publication / portable / action / board / body / slogen / range / sculpture / plan / 2011 / 2010 / decal / Entree / diagramme / total / Eleanor_Clare / motivation / New_Age / noise / universe / black / animation / plinth / drawing / enterprise / yellow / screen / scenery / white / costume / tube / death / success / stripe / storage / plastic / solar / creation / lights / edition / June_Twenty_First / 2015 / scaffold / square / orange / process / livery / sound / landscape / show / geometry / music / test / gallery / catalogue / modified / double / fail / cube / carnival / dance / mask / variations / dioramas / fire / view / destroy / rock / wheel / connection / pyramid / dysfunctional / custom / film / shelving / new / motion / 2014 / residue / machismo / kunsthall / disguise / tire / mill_race_gallery / modern / Bjorn_Mortensen / museum / dizzy / screen_print / collage / midsummer / hole / advetisement / burn / audio / presentation / poster / steel / summer / spinning / green / cosmos / chaos / billboard / dvd / helmet / future / Trophy / transformation / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / solstice / dome / rubber / Burnout / chair / club / postcard / road / flag / wall / matter / speed / dissolve / bergen_kjott / nature / speaker / Patrick_Wagner / earth / crate / riot / rainbow / rave / Randi_Grov_Berger / constellation / nature / Bergen_Kunsthall / pattern / still_life / sound_system / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / boilersuits / roundabout / America / glitch / Proverommet / solar_system / cruise / megalith / water / rubish / tool / shrine / Assembly_House_Studios / increase / Bergen / band / phenomena / Francois_Hugo / barrier / sick / Apis_Press / cardboard / festival / acoustic / projection / ride / isometric / spectrum / colour / checkered / layer / About_Time / drum / ladder / tank / Nestle / triangle / voice / Bergen_Kommune / Norsk_Kulturradet / ceramic / decay / headline / march / Rush / flyer / site / now / Appendix / free-party / planets / Skjoenne_Sjeler / gold / Seljord / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / feel / hands / Peter Cailler / Anond_Versto / vegetable / M25 / back / Ellie_MacGarry / Rufus_Newell / clay / gap / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Accidie / dots / london / Ellen_H_Suhrke / utopia / Lester_Drake / Archway / ancient / Matt_Wheeldon / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / winter / Mike_Winnard / Tigh_na_Cailleach / melancholy / paper_mache / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / Peforma13 Hub / Dodecahedron / Mayhem / geo-dome / performa / odyssey / eternal / hexagon / Bulgari / cellar / Top-Buzz / Piramid Stage / 1990 / mono-print / polygon / Jan_van_Huysum / stool / mountain / top / Out_of_Key / garbage / sewer / hour_meter / Kohler / New York / stripes / timer / Vanitas / John Higgins / C-print / Arthurs_Seat / SUPER_TOTAL / E_C_Cawte / drinking_straws / Glastonbury / Tomorrow_is_Born / marble / spanner / Shepton_Mallet / whispering / New_Haven_Bay / Bohumil_Hrabal / Frederik_Ruysch / 1981 / dice / Helsinki / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / chocolate / pumpkin / Milton_Keynes / Granton_Mound / Poke_Holes / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / moire / 2000 / Guisers / TOP_BUZ / Natasha_Marie_Llorens / bass_amp / monitor / painting / Halhjem_Helleristninger / The_Hand_and_the_Hole / plexiglass / Nothing_About_Trees / Marduk / 1992 / Halloween / Arosa / lamp / will-o-the-wisp / book /

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds 2015-12-15

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds
The Travels of The Toucher

Dillan Marsh & Eleanor Clare

Video projection with audio played through a bass amp, 45 sec. loop
Framed digital C-print, 60x85cm
Audio, played through a mini guitar amp, 5.20min. loop
Digital photograph on 32 inch monitor
Stud wall with two poke holes cut through it
Five terracotta clay objects on different sized plinths
Framed painting, acrylic on two 21x15cm sheets of paper
Work lamp, lighting back yard
Publication, in edition of 50

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / loop / box / cycle / video / ritual / print / darkness / light / collection / installation / studio / time / publication / sculpture / body / Eleanor_Clare / noise / plinth / screen / creation / plastic / landscape / show / sound / 2015 / view / film / rock / connection / hole / audio / chaos / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / earth / matter / wall / nature / speaker / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / megalith / sound_system / nature / water / Assembly_House_Studios / shrine / acoustic / barrier / rubish / projection / site / voice / Bergen_Kommune / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / Norsk_Kulturradet / About_Time / ceramic / feel / hands / back / Mike_Winnard / gap / winter / Ellie_MacGarry / Rufus_Newell / clay / Lester_Drake / Tigh_na_Cailleach / ancient / Matt_Wheeldon / C-print / Arthurs_Seat / New_Haven_Bay / monitor / whispering / Granton_Mound / Poke_Holes / lamp / painting / Halhjem_Helleristninger / The_Hand_and_the_Hole / bass_amp /

TOP BUZ 2015-12-15


Tags: work / documentation / facade / logo / design / fair / vehicle / movement / energy / ritual / print / desire / elevation / super / screen / lights / 2015 / edition / music / carnival / motion / dizzy / advetisement / solstice / spinning / riot / rainbow / increase / ride / phenomena / Rush / dots / top / Top-Buzz / TOP_BUZ /

Top Buzz 2015-09-23

Top Buzz, Screen Print on Plexiglass, 2015
Top Buzz

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / fair / energy / print / slogen / plastic / orange / 2015 / edition / carnival / screen_print / advetisement / spinning / presentation / speed / rainbow / Top-Buzz / plexiglass /

Too Loud a Solitude 2015-07-18

For thirty-five years now I've been compacting waste-paper, and if I had it all to do over I'd do just what I've done for the past thirty-five years. Even so, three or four times a year my job turns from plus to minus: the cellar suddenly goes bad, the nags and niggles and whines of my boss pound in my ears and head and make the room into an inferno; the wastepaper, piled to the ceiling, wet and moldy, ferments in a way that makes manure seem sweet, a swamp decomposing in the depths of my cellar, with bubbles rising to the surface like will-o'-the-wisps from a stump rotting in the mire. And I have to come up for air, get away from the press, but I never go out, I can't stand fresh air anymore, it makes me cough and choke and sputter like a Havana cigar. So while my boss is screaming and wringing his hands and raining threats down on me, I slip away and set off in search of other basements, other cellars.
Most of all I enjoy central-heating control rooms, where men with higher education, chained to their jobs like dogs to their kennels, write the history of their times as a sort of sociological survey and where I learned how the fourth estate was depopulated and the proletariat went from base to superstructure and how the university-trained elite now carries on its work. My best friends are two former member of our Academy of Sciences who have been set to work in the sewers, so they've decided to write a book about them, about their crissings and crossings under Prague, and they are the ones who taught me that the excrement entering the sewage plant at Podbaba on Sundays differs substantially from the excrement entering it on Mondays, and that each day is so clearly differentiated from the rest that the rate of flux may be plotted on a graph, and according to the ebb and flow of prophylactics one may determine the relative frequency with which varying sections of Prague indulge in sexual intercourse.

Too Loud a Solitude, Bohumil Hrabal, 1976, translation Michael Henry Heim

Tags: research / work / text / cycle / print / desire / darkness / quote / body / noise / process / dysfunctional / destroy / residue / dizzy / boilersuits / sick / decay / Accidie / melancholy / paper_mache / garbage / cellar / sewer / Bohumil_Hrabal / will-o-the-wisp / book /

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-09-09

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler

- collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Series 22
- role playing dice with the numbers removed and in the forms of the 5 Platonic Solids
- collage with Bulgari advertisement Eternal Values and bookmark with Vanitas by Jan van Huysum
- RUSH, Yikes and Power Promotions (1992) on a small white stool
- Collage with Odyssey, a Journey into Dance and postcard Urnascher Sylvesterchause
- Trophy, marble base, universal imperial spanner and chocolate wrapper
- Tomorrow is Born, Acidica Productions (Shepton Mallet, 1992)
- postcard of Arosa 1800m, Innerarosa, Alpentobel, Erzhorn
- digital machine timer Red Lion 202/95EC (counting the time in milliseconds)
- NEW AGE (Milton Keynes)
- a toy Halloween pumpkin
- mono-print on paper Mayhem in 1990 printed with an empty black ink cartridge

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / documentation / fair / cycle / energy / production / ritual / print / space / collection / installation / Norway / time / sculpture / New_Age / noise / black / costume / white / death / scenery / plastic / creation / orange / landscape / music / geometry / cube / carnival / dance / mask / pyramid / 2014 / new / motion / advetisement / collage / presentation / summer / future / poster / Trophy / cosmos / club / chair / postcard / wall / riot / nature / cruise / rave / rainbow / still_life / constellation / solar_system / Francois_Hugo / band / tool / festival / colour / Rush / Seljord / Skjoenne_Sjeler / flyer / triangle / free-party / gold / Nestle / Ellen_H_Suhrke / M25 / vegetable / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / utopia / Anond_Versto / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / odyssey / mono-print / polygon / hour_meter / timer / Vanitas / Kohler / eternal / Dodecahedron / stripes / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / Mayhem / 1990 / hexagon / Jan_van_Huysum / mountain / Bulgari / stool / Piramid Stage / Out_of_Key / Tomorrow_is_Born / Arosa / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / pumpkin / spanner / Milton_Keynes / marble / Shepton_Mallet / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / 1992 / Halloween / chocolate /

Out of Key, mono-print 2014-02-10

Out of Key, mono-print

Mayhem in 1990 printed with an empty black ink cartridge

Tags: recent_work / documentation / ritual / print / darkness / black / death / costume / music / carnival / mask / rock / 2014 / transformation / dissolve / riot / Mayhem / mono-print / 1990 / Out_of_Key /

Flag New York City, Performa 13 2013-11-20

Flag New York City, Performa 13 Flag New York City, Performa 13

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / print / super / 2013 / publication / slogen / total / Entree / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / America / New York / SUPER_TOTAL / Peforma13 Hub / performa /

Flag New york City, Catalogue 2013-11-20

Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / print / super / 2013 / publication / Entree / total / catalogue / America / Randi_Grov_Berger / performa / New York / Peforma13 Hub / SUPER_TOTAL / Natasha_Marie_Llorens /

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London photography Ben Turner untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / equipment / component / repeat / stand / loop / vehicle / race / structure / belief / car / cycle / driving / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / circle / darkness / space / installation / collection / 2013 / collapse / orbit / time / action / New_Age / noise / black / animation / costume / screen / tube / solar / sound / scaffold / music / gallery / geometry / modified / mask / cube / dance / custom / film / pyramid / wheel / rock / fire / shelving / machismo / tire / disguise / burn / presentation / dome / helmet / steel / rubber / dvd / riot / Burnout / speed / club / road / postcard / solar_system / rave / roundabout / Francois_Hugo / phenomena / cardboard / band / spectrum / rubish / planets / tank / march / drum / ladder / free-party / Nestle / Archway / london / Peter Cailler / Kohler / hour_meter / John Higgins / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / geo-dome / Piramid Stage / 1981 / 2000 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Glastonbury / Marduk / dice / Nothing_About_Trees / E_C_Cawte /

Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition 2013-08-15

Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Screen print collaboration with Patrick Wagner, contact Entree for further information. Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / June_Twenty_First / edition / screen_print / green / Patrick_Wagner / checkered / layer /

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) 2013-08-14

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) Produced in collaboration with Patrick Wagner June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner)

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / edition / June_Twenty_First / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

Apis Press Publication 2013-08-14

Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication printed by Apis Press in collaboration with Bjorn Mortensen and Entree all texts by Eleanor Clare Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / collaboration / print / 2013 / publication / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / universe / June_Twenty_First / edition / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / Bergen / Apis_Press / Appendix /

super total screen print edition 2012-08-15

super total screen print edition super total screen print edition

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / print / super / board / total / edition / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

super total isometric drawing 2012-08-15

super total isometric drawing

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / component / 2012 / repeat / box / transport / function / print / super / plan / diagramme / total / drawing / storage / process / double / mill_race_gallery / poster / crate / bergen_kjott / Proverommet /

frederik-ruysch 2012-08-12


Tags: research / stage / driving / print / artificial / diagramme / death / dioramas / museum / Frederik_Ruysch /

moire-pattern 2012-08-09


Tags: research / print / circle / fail / dissolve / pattern / glitch / dots / moire /

red square 2012-07-11

red square

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / red / logo / design / game / print / empty / board / 2011 / square / billboard /

70x100 Screen Print Edition 2012-05-15

70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition
Screen Print Edition in collaboration with Patrick Wagner/Handsome Boy Press.
Supported by Entree/Norsk-finsk kulturfond.
70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition 70x100 Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / trade / documentation / logo / blue / design / brand / collaboration / 2012 / transport / print / decal / stripe / orange / livery / edition / double / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

50x70 Screen Print Edition 2012-04-15

50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition
Screen Print Edition in collaboration with Patrick Wagner/Handsome Boy Press.
Supported by Entree/Norsk-finsk kulturfond.
50x70 Screen Print Edition 50x70 Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / trade / documentation / logo / blue / design / brand / 2012 / collaboration / transport / print / Entree / decal / stripe / livery / edition / orange / double / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner / Helsinki /

super 2012-02-15


Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / red / logo / design / 2012 / print / super / slogen / board / total / 2011 / success / edition / mill_race_gallery / billboard /

super total screen print edition (2) 2012-02-15

super total screen print edition (2)

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / loop / print / super / board / total / edition / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

total 2012-02-15


Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / logo / blue / design / 2012 / print / slogen / total / edition / test / mill_race_gallery / billboard /

now new checkered 2012-01-15

now new checkered now new checkered now new checkered

Tags: work / recent_work / sign / red / blue / design / 2012 / repeat / game / print / board / slogen / motivation / square / new / now / checkered /

now new 2012-01-04

now new

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / red / blue / design / 2012 / repeat / print / slogen / motivation / new / headline / now /

kunsthall isometric diagrammes 2011-06-17

kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / equipment / product / facade / design / brand / component / stand / repeat / system / fair / arena / temporary / structure / production / print / architecture / modular / space / collection / empty / booth / shop / range / portable / diagramme / 2011 / drawing / enterprise / process / catalogue / gallery / variations / modern / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall /

kunsthall isometric colour 2011-05-30

kunsthall isometric colour

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / product / facade / design / stand / fair / arena / temporary / print / architecture / modular / empty / booth / studio / plan / 2011 / drawing / white / catalogue / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric /

Square Design 2011-05-11

Square Design

Tags: work / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / 2011 / square / kunsthall /

square design print 2011-04-30

square design print

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / trade / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / 2011 / square /

Super Total Design 2010-11-11

Super Total Design

Tags: work / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / team / 2010 / stripe /

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