Dillan Marsh

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tube: research / work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / sport / text / component / stand / repeat / loop / system / box / fair / arena / temporary / vehicle / race / structure / belief / transport / movement / function / cycle / driving / car / production / energy / video / drive / ritual / architecture / print / darkness / circle / modular / space / elevation / collection / team / installation / quote / super / artificial / Norway / collapse / 2013 / communicaton / time / shop / stadium / orbit / range / portable / action / sculpture / decal / Entree / furniture / podium / Eleanor_Clare / diagramme / New_Age / noise / animation / black / plinth / drawing / costume / tube / white / yellow / scenery / enterprise / retail / screen / death / sale / incomplete / stripe / lights / storage / solar / plastic / creation / livery / scaffold / landscape / June_Twenty_First / sound / show / modified / gallery / geometry / music / mask / cube / scale / fail / dance / kit / rock / fire / pyramid / engine / shelving / connection / custom / wheel / athletics / vinyl / dysfunctional / steps / film / platform / 2014 / pile / tire / machismo / disguise / camp / aluminium / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / burn / transformation / stair / dome / chaos / rubber / summer / chassis / garage / steel / future / dvd / accumulator / fairing / presentation / helmet / club / flag / wall / Patrick_Wagner / earth / riot / postcard / road / matter / Burnout / speed / solar_system / nature / rave / cruise / Randi_Grov_Berger / roundabout / gantry / band / phenomena / Francois_Hugo / cardboard / survival / reconstruction / truth / festival / feet / tool / spectrum / rubish / barrier / Bergen / tank / planets / checkered / pipe / drum / march / god / Seljord / ladder / free-party / Nestle / Skjoenne_Sjeler / site / Mercedes / octagon / bag / roll-cage / carpet / rail / Archway / london / cruising / apocalypse / Peter Cailler / mountain / garbage / Kohler / 1952 / eternal / geo-dome / platonic_solids / John Higgins / Datsun / weight / hour_meter / Sunderland / nascar / Infernal_Eternal / Piramid Stage / rat / handle / base / The_Rat / 1975 / polaris / Gunter_Grass / 1981 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Glastonbury / Nothing_About_Trees / 2000 / Marduk / dice / E_C_Cawte /

The_Rat 2015-02-22

Gunter Grass, The Rat, Translated by Ralph Manheim

Where man had been, in every place he left, garbage remained. Even in his pursuit of the ultimate truth and quest for his God, he produced garbage. By his garbage, which lay stratum upon stratum, he could always - one only had to dig - be known. For more long-lived than man is his refuse. Garbage alone lives after him.


Vast plains infested with garbage, beaches strewn with garbage, valleys clogged with garbage. Synthetic flakes on the move. Tubes that have forgotten their ketchup and never rot. Shoes of neither leather nore straw walk self-propelled with the sand and collect in pits full of garbage, where already yachtsman's gloves and droll inflatable animals are waiting. All these things speak of you, now and forever. You and your works wrapped in clear plastic, sealed in vacuum bags, moulded in synthetic resin, you in chips and clips: the human race that was.

Tags: research / product / text / race / cycle / darkness / quote / artificial / collapse / enterprise / death / tube / creation / plastic / landscape / pile / future / chaos / transformation / matter / earth / nature / survival / truth / god / apocalypse / bag / mountain / eternal / garbage / rat / Gunter_Grass / The_Rat /

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-08-10

Incomplete pyramid structure built from powder coated steel tube provisionally fastened together with brightly coloured cable ties and weighted with a pile of used tires. The sculpture is placed outside the exhibition entrance, in a circular arena and opposite the unofficial meeting place for young, local car enthusiasts. untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / fair / arena / temporary / movement / driving / car / ritual / drive / architecture / circle / modular / installation / Norway / sculpture / tube / incomplete / scaffold / dysfunctional / custom / pyramid / 2014 / tire / camp / summer / accumulator / presentation / Burnout / cruise / roundabout / festival / site / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / cruising /

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London photography Ben Turner untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / equipment / component / repeat / stand / loop / race / vehicle / structure / belief / driving / car / cycle / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / darkness / circle / space / collection / installation / 2013 / collapse / time / orbit / action / noise / New_Age / animation / black / tube / costume / screen / solar / sound / scaffold / geometry / modified / music / gallery / dance / mask / cube / rock / fire / shelving / custom / film / pyramid / wheel / tire / disguise / machismo / burn / rubber / dvd / presentation / dome / helmet / steel / club / road / postcard / riot / Burnout / speed / roundabout / solar_system / rave / band / spectrum / rubish / Francois_Hugo / phenomena / cardboard / march / drum / ladder / free-party / Nestle / planets / tank / Archway / london / Peter Cailler / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / geo-dome / Piramid Stage / Kohler / hour_meter / John Higgins / Marduk / dice / Nothing_About_Trees / E_C_Cawte / 1981 / 2000 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Glastonbury /

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen 2013-08-14

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen photo Randi Grov Berger June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / arena / temporary / structure / installation / Norway / 2013 / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / animation / yellow / tube / stripe / June_Twenty_First / vinyl / pile / tire / Bjorn_Mortensen / midsummer / presentation / steel / helmet / Patrick_Wagner / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / checkered / octagon /

3935c-600x0 2013-07-03


Tags: research / commerce / sign / equipment / product / component / stand / system / elevation / collapse / portable / plinth / tube / scaffold / steel / barrier / feet / weight / base /

steps 2013-05-08

steps steps steps steps steps steps steps steps steps steps steps steps

Tags: research / equipment / product / stand / system / structure / function / production / elevation / portable / range / furniture / tube / storage / steps / steel / stair / tool / ladder /

Handles Stands and Barriers 2013-04-28

Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers Handles Stands and Barriers

Tags: research / photograph / equipment / product / component / stand / structure / retail / tube / yellow / athletics / barrier / gantry / pipe / rail / handle /

bolt guard rails 2012-10-20

bolt guard rails

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / equipment / product / component / stand / temporary / structure / production / modular / elevation / communicaton / stadium / portable / podium / plinth / tube / scenery / lights / show / scaffold / steps / platform / aluminium / gantry / rail / carpet /

Nascar Chassis 2012-10-20

Nascar Chassis Nascar Chassis

Tags: research / equipment / sport / structure / movement / driving / car / drive / super / team / tube / chassis / garage / fairing / roll-cage / nascar /

ATR Polaris roll-cage 2012-10-07

ATR Polaris roll-cage

Tags: research / equipment / product / sport / component / system / race / transport / structure / car / driving / function / drive / tube / modified / fail / kit / garage / chassis / steel / survival / pipe / polaris /

scaffold 2012-10-07

scaffold scaffold scaffold scaffold scaffold scaffold

Tags: research / equipment / product / component / stand / temporary / structure / function / production / modular / elevation / collapse / portable / diagramme / plinth / yellow / tube / drawing / incomplete / scaffold / scale / steps / platform / steel / stair / wall / gantry / reconstruction / ladder / rail /

connectors 2012-09-02

connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors connectors

Tags: research / exhibition / sign / equipment / product / component / stand / system / box / structure / function / production / modular / collection / shop / portable / range / furniture / retail / tube / sale / cube / connection / pipe /

feet 2012-09-01

feet feet feet feet feet

Tags: research / exhibition / equipment / product / component / stand / system / structure / collection / collapse / furniture / tube / retail / scaffold / shelving / aluminium / feet /

aluminium tube structure 2012-08-30

aluminium tube structure aluminium tube structure aluminium tube structure

Tags: research / photograph / sport / vehicle / race / transport / structure / car / function / tube / white / aluminium / chassis / Mercedes / 1952 /

Datsun 280Z 2012-08-30

Datsun 280Z

Tags: research / competition / photograph / equipment / component / race / structure / car / movement / driving / drive / decal / tube / sale / livery / kit / engine / chassis / fairing / garage / Datsun / 1975 /

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