Dillan Marsh
Tags /
Files /
New /
Random /
research /
exhibition /
stage /
photograph /
equipment /
product /
facade /
brand /
component /
stand /
fair /
temporary /
structure /
transport /
function /
production /
ritual /
desire /
modular /
circle /
light /
darkness /
elevation /
collection /
installation /
fake /
artificial /
model /
booth /
studio /
2013 /
collapse /
shop /
portable /
body /
podium /
diagramme /
universe /
plinth /
scenery /
yellow /
tube /
retail /
drawing /
costume /
cabinate /
plastic /
lights /
incomplete /
simulation /
hippie /
show /
scaffold /
scale /
archetype /
pyramid /
dioramas /
big /
steps /
platform /
residue /
disguise /
camp /
pile /
museum /
advetisement /
Trophy /
set /
panoramic /
skin /
stair /
chaos /
billboard /
steel /
wall /
status /
pod /
postcard /
mirror /
America /
still_life /
rainbow /
gantry /
elephant /
camera /
reconstruction /
giant /
ladder /
plant /
rail /
taxidermy /
utopia /
awkward /
JoAnn_Bernofsky /
Clark_Richert /
self_sufficient /
raft /
Richard_Kallweit /
Gene_Bernofsky /
Charles_DiJulio /
drop_city /
bust /
christmas /
David_LaChapelle /
dinosaur /
1966 /
whale /
kardashian /
Kardashian_Christmas_Card 2013-12-20
research /
exhibition /
stage /
photograph /
brand /
stand /
ritual /
desire /
darkness /
light /
fake /
artificial /
booth /
2013 /
studio /
collapse /
shop /
podium /
retail /
costume /
plastic /
lights /
cabinate /
simulation /
archetype /
pyramid /
dioramas /
residue /
pile /
advetisement /
Trophy /
chaos /
billboard /
status /
mirror /
rainbow /
America /
reconstruction /
camera /
plant /
utopia /
awkward /
bust /
David_LaChapelle /
christmas /
kardashian /
whales and dinosaurs 2013-04-28
research /
exhibition /
stage /
facade /
fair /
transport /
collection /
fake /
artificial /
model /
scenery /
show /
simulation /
scale /
big /
dioramas /
museum /
skin /
set /
postcard /
elephant /
giant /
reconstruction /
taxidermy /
raft /
dinosaur /
whale /
scaffold 2012-10-07
research /
equipment /
product /
component /
stand /
temporary /
structure /
function /
production /
modular /
elevation /
collapse /
portable /
diagramme /
plinth /
drawing /
yellow /
tube /
incomplete /
scaffold /
scale /
steps /
platform /
stair /
steel /
wall /
gantry /
reconstruction /
ladder /
rail /
elephant 2012-08-30
research /
exhibition /
stage /
photograph /
facade /
structure /
fake /
collection /
installation /
booth /
model /
studio /
body /
podium /
plinth /
scenery /
cabinate /
incomplete /
scaffold /
simulation /
scale /
dioramas /
big /
disguise /
platform /
museum /
Trophy /
skin /
panoramic /
pod /
still_life /
reconstruction /
elephant /
giant /
taxidermy /
The_Ultimate_painting 2012-08-25
research /
circle /
universe /
hippie /
camp /
reconstruction /
JoAnn_Bernofsky /
Clark_Richert /
self_sufficient /
Richard_Kallweit /
Gene_Bernofsky /
Charles_DiJulio /
drop_city /
1966 /
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