Dillan Marsh

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red: research / work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / facade / logo / sport / blue / text / design / brand / component / collaboration / 2012 / stand / repeat / loop / system / box / fair / arena / temporary / race / vehicle / transport / structure / car / movement / function / cycle / driving / production / energy / game / video / drive / print / architecture / desire / light / darkness / modular / circle / elevation / team / installation / super / booth / empty / model / artificial / Norway / studio / 2013 / time / communicaton / stadium / shop / publication / orbit / sculpture / board / portable / slogen / package / action / range / plan / 2010 / total / furniture / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / 2011 / decal / diagramme / New_Age / noise / motivation / black / animation / win / training / retail / enterprise / death / white / drawing / screen / yellow / scenery / costume / tube / sale / incomplete / lights / stripe / label / cabinate / success / storage / solar / square / livery / orange / show / process / 2015 / simulation / edition / June_Twenty_First / course / gallery / sponsorship / geometry / catalogue / test / scale / cube / double / variations / fail / dance / dysfunctional / engine / dioramas / wheel / vinyl / kit / shelving / connection / kunsthall / modern / residue / machismo / new / olympic / tire / pile / camp / mill_race_gallery / aluminium / Bjorn_Mortensen / museum / Tag_Team / circus / screen_print / midsummer / collage / steel / summer / chassis / billboard / dvd / court / presentation / set / green / helmet / poster / obstacle / fairing / solstice / usa / dissolve / trick / speed / league / Patrick_Wagner / crate / bergen_kjott / flag / Bergen_Kunsthall / roundabout / cruise / theatre / Randi_Grov_Berger / pattern / Proverommet / glitch / America / isometric / increase / Bergen / colour / ikea / mdf / headline / triangle / glass / drum / now / checkered / delay / overalls / arch / star / florescent / price / layer / sequence / camouflage / international / review / pass / priority / heliotherapy / suit / march / fibreglass / Messebau-Otto-Stebel / undone / urgent / octagon / roll-cage / carpet / rectangle / line / 2009 / uniform / Goodyear / Gallery_Fisk / pentagon / back / oval / motorcycle / New York / hexagon / gondolas / Daytona / concrete / Peforma13 Hub / SUPER_TOTAL / polygon / Datsun / Frankfurt / performa / failure / Helios / adidas / enamel_paint / camel / chariot / nascar / Las_Vegas / Brennenstuhl / Jonas_Jensen / pathos / LESTR / bob_sharp_racing / united / Kunstforum / children / table / 1988 / Camilla _Brochs-Haukedal / Laurie_Edson / Duchamp / Fram / 1976 / Messe / Natasha_Marie_Llorens / Lacking /

Lacking 2015-12-20


Tags: work / recent_work / red / loop / system / function / cycle / production / video / darkness / board / package / furniture / black / animation / white / death / 2015 / dysfunctional / collage / green / theatre / ikea / layer / failure / Lacking / table /

patriotic nascar 2014-02-23

patriotic nascar

Tags: research / commerce / competition / red / photograph / sport / blue / loop / race / vehicle / movement / driving / car / drive / team / orbit / stadium / decal / white / course / show / sponsorship / engine / wheel / machismo / chassis / fairing / flag / cruise / America / fibreglass / star / roll-cage / Goodyear / chariot / nascar / Daytona /

4824589026_548963af86 2014-02-23


Tags: research / exhibition / competition / red / sport / blue / box / fair / game / portable / yellow / show / process / cube / modern / children /

Flag New York City, Performa 13 2013-11-20

Flag New York City, Performa 13 Flag New York City, Performa 13

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / print / super / 2013 / publication / slogen / Entree / total / flag / America / Randi_Grov_Berger / performa / New York / SUPER_TOTAL / Peforma13 Hub /

Flag New york City, Catalogue 2013-11-20

Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / print / super / 2013 / publication / total / Entree / catalogue / Randi_Grov_Berger / America / New York / Peforma13 Hub / SUPER_TOTAL / performa / Natasha_Marie_Llorens /

Helios, animation 2013-09-16

Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation Helios, animation

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / red / repeat / loop / race / cycle / energy / video / drive / circle / light / 2013 / time / Entree / animation / yellow / stripe / June_Twenty_First / simulation / dance / circus / speed / pattern / colour / pass / heliotherapy / sequence / line / Helios /

Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition 2013-08-15

Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Screen print collaboration with Patrick Wagner, contact Entree for further information. Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / June_Twenty_First / edition / screen_print / green / Patrick_Wagner / layer / checkered /

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen 2013-08-14

photo Randi Grov Berger June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / arena / temporary / structure / installation / Norway / 2013 / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / animation / yellow / tube / stripe / June_Twenty_First / vinyl / pile / tire / Bjorn_Mortensen / midsummer / presentation / steel / helmet / Patrick_Wagner / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / checkered / octagon /

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) 2013-08-14

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) Produced in collaboration with Patrick Wagner June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner)

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / edition / June_Twenty_First / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

Camilla Brochs-Haukedal, Kunstforum Review 2013-07-12


Fart, glede og kosmiske referanser

Camilla Brochs-Haukedal - 12.07.2013

Med utstillingen June Twenty-First pa entree i Bergen, byr Dillan Marsh pa flere assosiasjoner, fra pop art til motorsykkellop, fra midtsommerfeiring til reklameskilt.

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Slagverk, motorsykkel og reklame

Gjennom en stor skjelettlignende stalkonstruksjon trer vi inn i Dillan Marshs (f. 1980, UK) romdekkende installasjon, June Twenty-First, laget spesielt for entree. Utstillingen bestar av flere komponenter som hver for seg fungerer som selvstendige verk, men utstillingen har en tittel og ingen verksliste, det er derfor naturlig a lese den som en installasjon.

Langs veggene, innenfor porten, er det snekret opp benker, eller temporaere tribuner, umalte og ubehandlede. Med en skranende fremside er de litt ubehagelige a sitte pa, og uten a ha bli invitert til det, hadde jeg nok ansett dem som en ramme rundt resten av utstillingen, en ramme som for ovrig fint knytter de enkelte verkene sammen til en helhet i rommet.

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

I midten av hesteskoen av tribuner troner fire soyler i forskjellig hoyde, bygget opp av gummidekk, trommer, flerkantede esker og motorsport-hjelmer. alle komponentene ser ut til a vaere godt brukt og baerer preg av a ha levd et liv for de som object trouve; ble deler av Marshs kunstverk.

Bak soylene pa motsatt vegg, vis a vis inngangsdoren, er to flagg i kryss i rod og gult. Fargene og monstrene gar igjen i den store stripen som dominerer hele vindusveggen til entree, og pa skjermene som apenbarer seg i sideblikket idet man gar inn i rommet. Denne skulpturen er satt sammen av tre skjermer, stroppet sammen i en stabel. Bildene pa skjermene varierer i hastighet og virker bade forstyrrende og samtidig levende og livlig, mye takket vaere fargene og de raske, repetetive bevegelsene.

a day at the races

Dekkene, flaggene, materialene og ikke minst hjelmene, sammen med en sterkt tilstedevaerende lukt av gummi fra dekkene og de sterke fargene gult og rodt, gjor; det vanskelig a losrive seg fra assosiasjoner til motorsykkellop. Jeg innrommer et tidligere flerarig fan-forhold til eurosport, MotoGP, alex Barros og Valentino Rossi, men selv uten dette er assosiasjonen svaert naerliggende.

Med gult og rodt som dominante farger i utstillingen, er assosiasjoner til store reklameskilt for bensinstasjoner som Shell heller ikke langt unna. Marsh har tidligere brukt grep fra reklameskilt og merkevarebygging i sine verk. I utstillingen June Twenty-First er det selve virkemidlene i den kommersielle markedsforingen Marsh tar i bruk: de sterke fargene, brandingen av entrees store vindu og det repetetive monsteret pa skjermene.

Med utstillingen gjor Marsh galleriet til en storre del av sin utstilling enn bare et rom a vise kunsten i. entrees egen logo er fjernet fra vinduet, i stedet er vinduene dominert av to store, rode linjer som motes i en spiss i midten og som gjor entree svaert synlig fra utsiden, et blikkfang i gaten pa samme mate som de store Shell-skiltene er langs motorveiene. Som entree skriver pa sin nettside: 'entree finds itself re-branded and built into the concept of the work on show'.

Med disse grepene er referansene til pop art ogsa sterkt tilstedevaerende, i bade bade form og innhold. De sterke fargene og det repetetive monsteret samt Marshs bevisste bruk av kommersiell markedsforingsvirkemidler kan ikke annet enn a gjenkalle andy Warhol.

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

a samles rundt balet

Apningsdagen til Marshs utstilling falt pa 21. juni, som er sommersolverv, arets lengste dag. Fest og feiring er assosiert med tiden rett etter denne dagen i aret med flest soltimer. Her i Norge er det Sankthans som gjelder, med feiring, bal og fest, men det a feire midtsommer har tradisjoner mye eldre enn kristendommen. Ved a kalle utstillingen, eller installasjonen, June Twenty-First, pakaller Marsh en positiv stemning assosiert med sommer, sol, fest og ritualer. Tittelen har tilsynelatende ikke noe umiddelbar sammenheng med verkene utstilt, annet enn at apningen falt pa denne fredagen. Sammenhengen ma vi derfor reflektere rundt selv, hjulpet av introduksjonen pa entrees nettsider, ogsa de for anledningen rod- og gulrutet lik monsteret pa skjermene og ett av flaggene i visningsrommet.

Gjennom tittelens referanse til sommersolverv soker utstillingen, ifolge nettsiden, a vise hvordan vi gjennom deltakelse i storre eller mindre feiringer, tilstelninger og ritualer ogsa er del av et storre system, faktisk et kosmisk system. Denne forbindelsen synes svaert subtil i opplevelsen av installasjonen, det er ikke lett a fa fatt i hvordan kunstnerens overordnede budskap skal overfores. Men den nye publikasjonen av apis Press, lansert samme dag og i forbindelse med utstillingen, med tekster av eleanor Clare, kan kaste lys over Marshs inspirasjonskilder, og hvordan vi kan tolke tittelen og verkene utstilt.


Dillan Marsh June Twenty-First, 2013. Foto: Randi Grov Berger

I tillegg til a havne pa arets lengste dag, markerte apningen av June Twenty-First lanseringen av nevnte publikasjon, og lanseringen av forste utgave av Utstillingsguide for Bergen (utstillingsguide.no). Vernissagen markerte altsa flere begivenheter og gjorde installasjonen i seg selv til en arena for festligheter og feiring. Og det er en positiv opplevelse a vaere i rommet med de bevegelige skjermbildene og soylene av dekk og trommer og hjelmer, de sterke fargene og den litt skarpe lukten. Som installasjon har Marsh fatt mye ut av entrees lokaler, det er en vellykket bruk av rommet.

Installasjonen kan leses og tolkes pa mange mater, det er mye a ta av bade i referansene og i opplevelsen av rommet, og er vel verd et besok.  Men pa tross av at jeg aner noen interessante assosiasjonene rundt ritualer, systemer og var alles soken etter tilhorighet og plass i den store sammenhengen, ma jeg innromme at jeg fremdeles finner det litt vanskelig a losrive meg fra inntrykket av a vaere pa et MotorGP-lop.

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / red / text / repeat / loop / box / arena / race / structure / driving / cycle / drive / circle / Norway / 2013 / action / sculpture / Entree / New_Age / noise / yellow / solar / June_Twenty_First / process / gallery / connection / new / midsummer / solstice / summer / Randi_Grov_Berger / review / march / arch / motorcycle / Kunstforum / Camilla _Brochs-Haukedal /

22_1073897941 2013-07-03


Tags: research / stage / red / product / facade / blue / studio / black / screen / yellow / costume / scenery / lights / orange / set / green / trick / camouflage / overalls / suit /

Entree, Friday June 21/ 8pm, Nostegaten 42, Bergen 2013-06-21

Entree, Friday June 21/ 8pm, Nostegaten 42, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / design / video / Norway / 2013 / Entree / animation / yellow / midsummer / Bergen /

Frankfurt Messe 2013-04-25

Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe Frankfurt Messe

Tags: research / work / exhibition / commerce / stage / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / architecture / artificial / 2013 / enterprise / sale / show / camp / roundabout / concrete / Frankfurt / Messe /

Untitled-2 2012-08-30


Tags: work / recent_work / sign / red / design / brand / 2012 / shop / package / enterprise / sale / priority / urgent /

super total screen print edition 2012-08-15

super total screen print edition super total screen print edition

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / print / super / board / total / edition / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

super total documentation 2012-08-15

super total documentation super total documentation super total documentation

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / stage / documentation / red / equipment / logo / facade / blue / brand / collaboration / component / 2012 / stand / repeat / loop / box / fair / transport / function / elevation / installation / Norway / communicaton / slogen / portable / furniture / animation / white / storage / cabinate / fail / dioramas / mill_race_gallery / museum / dvd / crate / bergen_kjott / Proverommet / glitch / glass /

E Clare Review 2012-08-15

Millrace Gallery / Bergen Kjott

These objects were something like old fashioned projection screens, and something like gondolas; not of the Venetian type, rather the wheeled display stands used in retail (even though the wheels were rather too large to be seen on the shop floor - they were more reminiscent of something that could belong in a workshop - somehow 'masculine').

One was much taller than the other, on high legs. A square frame, glossy and blue, contained an LCD screen. The smaller one was painted in red gloss, and also held an LCD screen. The larger was somewhat mesmerizing as blue letters in italic capitals glided across the screen, spelling out 'TOTAL.' As I watched, I realised that the word seemed to glitch, to come apart - severed by a horizontal line through the middle; sometimes partially slipping from vision. TOTAL: this word as an entity, as a thing, as a visual object: I felt some pathos for it. It had fallen short, it was fading, it was uncertain. Words fail me...

Upon the screen of the smaller object, to the bottom right, almost slipping out, was the word SUPER in italic capitals. It was flashing - like brand names in lights at Piccadilly Circus, or how I would imagine it to be in Las Vegas. Yet once again there was a sense of pathos pertaining to the one who is desperate to be noticed, but just seen in the peripheral vision, at the edge, about to become obsolete.

Below the screens as I looked down, I noticed that the wires and connections at the back of the DVD player were left open, hanging out, and that surrounding the glossy blue frame was grey foam, cushioning the LCD screen and protecting it from damage. The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even. Or this time perhaps we may infer that the Bachelor himself has been disrobed, robbed, even. The edifice that would give this work a sense of sheeny, hermetic closure as an object has been cast to one side. It appears to be suspended - in a state of display in its most commercial aspect (as a product/object/work of art), and also in the sense that it has been left bare: in a state that could be either not quite complete or abandoned in the process of dismantling.

Laurie Edson writes about 'The Large Glass,'

'The verbal clues provided in the title suggest that we are witnessing the ongoing process of the stripping and all that goes with it, a dynamic situation has been 'caught in the act', temporarily frozen in glass and delayed (delay, of course, promises completion at some later time).

Duchamp uses techniques that function to delay the spectator's response, and this very delay (and the subsequent heightening of the spectator's desire to comprehend, to solve, to figure out, read) produces desire in the sense which Barthes has used the term.'

It seems that in Marsh's work too, there is the undeniable sense of delay, and to use Edson's terminology, of being 'caught in the act.' In the seductive promise of a shiny, glossy exterior, and in the promise of the words 'super' & 'total' the viewer seeks at once to understand what is missing - to understand why this object is left as it is, apparently undone, to know exactly what it is, or what it is for. I (the spectator) am caught between a state of mesmerized fascination with the brightly lit words on the LCD screen, a sensuous appreciation of the physical potential of the clean, glossy structure, and a feeling of frustration in terms of knowing: I cannot name this thing before me; I cannot define it. And as such, both the physical object and meaning are left un-ended.

Tags: work / commerce / sign / red / facade / blue / text / 2012 / repeat / stand / loop / function / video / desire / super / sculpture / board / portable / total / Eleanor_Clare / screen / retail / gallery / fail / circus / dvd / bergen_kjott / Proverommet / review / layer / glass / delay / undone / gondolas / pathos / Las_Vegas / Duchamp / Laurie_Edson /

super total isometric drawing 2012-08-15

super total isometric drawing

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / component / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / box / transport / function / print / super / plan / diagramme / total / drawing / storage / process / double / mill_race_gallery / poster / crate / bergen_kjott / Proverommet /

super total plan diagramme 2012-08-15

super total plan diagramme super total plan diagramme

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / equipment / blue / design / 2012 / component / collaboration / box / transport / function / production / elevation / super / package / sculpture / total / diagramme / plan / drawing / cabinate / process / gallery / double / mill_race_gallery / museum / crate / Proverommet / gondolas /

super repeat loop 2012-08-15

super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop super repeat loop

Tags: work / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / red / logo / blue / design / 2012 / component / repeat / loop / video / super / communicaton / total / animation / screen / test / headline /

super video loop clip 2012-08-15

super video loop clip

Tags: work / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / 2012 / component / video / super / slogen / total / animation / screen / mill_race_gallery / dvd / bergen_kjott / Proverommet /

total video loop (clip) 2012-08-15

total video loop (clip)

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / component / 2012 / repeat / loop / video / super / total / animation / screen / mill_race_gallery / dvd / dissolve / bergen_kjott / glitch / Proverommet /

super test loop 2012-08-10

super test loop super test loop

Tags: work / commerce / competition / red / logo / design / 2012 / repeat / loop / super / slogen / total / motivation / animation /

MC-ONE-Mirage-IIIC-decal 2012-08-09


Tags: research / competition / sign / red / logo / sport / brand / component / vehicle / transport / car / driving / decal / stripe / livery / scale /

Sale1 2012-08-09


Tags: research / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / shop / slogen / range / label / sale / increase / price /

red square 2012-07-11

red square

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / red / logo / design / game / print / empty / board / 2011 / square / billboard /

986 International 2012-04-16

986 International

Tags: research / trade / red / product / logo / vehicle / transport / decal / black / stripe / livery / international /

super 2012-02-15


Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / red / logo / design / 2012 / print / super / slogen / board / 2011 / total / success / edition / mill_race_gallery / billboard /

super total screen print edition (2) 2012-02-15

super total screen print edition (2)

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / collaboration / 2012 / repeat / loop / print / super / board / total / edition / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

now new repeat 2012-01-15

now new repeat now new repeat now new repeat

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / red / blue / design / 2012 / repeat / slogen / motivation / new / now /

now new checkered 2012-01-15

now new checkered now new checkered now new checkered

Tags: work / recent_work / sign / red / blue / design / 2012 / repeat / game / print / board / slogen / motivation / square / new / now / checkered /

now new 2012-01-04

now new

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / red / blue / design / 2012 / repeat / print / slogen / motivation / new / headline / now /

fair stand basis 2011-12-31

fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / red / product / facade / brand / stand / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / white / variations / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

adidasleosforusa 2011-11-16


Tags: research / competition / trade / red / equipment / logo / sport / blue / brand / race / game / team / package / win / training / white / sponsorship / kit / olympic / usa / uniform / adidas /

Ancasta-exhibition-display- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / sign / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / temporary / structure / production / booth / shop / retail / white / incomplete / shelving /

red square (full) 2011-07-11

red square (full)

Tags: work / sign / red / logo / design / brand / square /

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) 2011-06-01

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) photo Jonas IB Jensen

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / stage / trade / documentation / red / facade / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / empty / booth / Norway / sculpture / 2011 / white / vinyl / kunsthall / aluminium / Bergen_Kunsthall / mdf / florescent / carpet / Jonas_Jensen /

kunsthall isometric colour 2011-05-30

kunsthall isometric colour

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / product / facade / design / stand / fair / arena / temporary / print / architecture / modular / empty / booth / studio / plan / 2011 / white / drawing / catalogue / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric /

Blue Super Design 2011-05-11

Blue Super Design

Tags: work / recent_work / sign / red / logo / blue / design / super / 2011 / stripe / square /

Square Design 2011-05-11

Square Design

Tags: work / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / 2011 / square / kunsthall /

square design print 2011-04-30

square design print

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / trade / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / 2011 / square /

colours and shapes 2011-01-16

colours and shapes

Tags: research / red / blue / repeat / box / architecture / circle / yellow / square / orange / geometry / variations / set / colour / heliotherapy / triangle / rectangle / octagon / pentagon / oval / hexagon / polygon /

microscale decal 2010-12-16

microscale decal

Tags: research / sign / trade / red / product / logo / blue / brand / repeat / vehicle / transport / team / model / decal / white / livery / scale / variations / usa /

tag team documentation 2010-11-19

tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / equipment / facade / logo / sport / blue / brand / component / fair / arena / race / temporary / transport / game / production / team / installation / empty / Norway / communicaton / 2010 / white / screen / storage / course / dysfunctional / residue / Tag_Team / obstacle / presentation / court / steel / back / enamel_paint /

Component Design (large sign) 2010-11-15

Component Design (large sign)

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / facade / logo / blue / design / brand / component / arena / board / plan / decal / 2010 / stripe / process / livery / test / double / scale / vinyl / Tag_Team /

component design (small sign) 2010-11-11

component design (small sign)

Tags: work / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / team / board / decal / 2010 / plan / white / label / stripe / livery / process / test / Tag_Team /

Super Total Design 2010-11-11

Super Total Design

Tags: work / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / print / team / 2010 / stripe /

tag team design 2010-10-15

tag team design tag team design

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / design / transport / decal / 2010 / stripe / livery / process / double / Tag_Team /

logos 2010-08-29

logos logos logos logos logos logos logos

Tags: research / commerce / competition / sign / trade / red / equipment / sport / blue / text / brand / race / transport / car / game / team / communicaton / stadium / board / package / decal / enterprise / label / livery / orange / checkered / Goodyear / camel / Daytona / Datsun / LESTR / Fram / Brennenstuhl / 1988 / bob_sharp_racing / 1976 /

united 2010-08-29


Tags: research / commerce / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / brand / transport / function / communicaton / decal / enterprise / label / united /

leagues 2010-08-29

leagues leagues

Tags: research / commerce / competition / sign / red / logo / sport / blue / brand / arena / race / car / team / stadium / communicaton / sponsorship / league /

DMA Design 2010-04-11

DMA Design

Tags: work / sign / trade / documentation / red / logo / blue / design / brand / 2010 / gallery / poster / Gallery_Fisk /

Blue and Red Design 2009-08-09

Blue and Red Design

Tags: work / commerce / red / logo / blue / design / brand / 2009 /

Blue and Red Design 2 2009-08-04

Blue and Red Design 2

Tags: work / sign / trade / red / logo / blue / design / brand / 2009 /

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