Dillan Marsh
Tags /
Files /
New /
Random /
research /
work /
exhibition /
commerce /
recent_work /
competition /
sign /
stage /
trade /
documentation /
red /
photograph /
equipment /
facade /
logo /
sport /
blue /
brand /
component /
stand /
fair /
arena /
race /
temporary /
structure /
transport /
movement /
game /
production /
elevation /
space /
team /
installation /
collection /
empty /
Norway /
communicaton /
stadium /
portable /
sculpture /
action /
plan /
2010 /
podium /
motivation /
win /
training /
plinth /
retail /
screen /
white /
success /
order /
storage /
show /
process /
2015 /
course /
test /
sponsorship /
gallery /
fail /
athletics /
dysfunctional /
vinyl /
steps /
residue /
olympic /
platform /
Tag_Team /
obstacle /
stair /
Trophy /
court /
steel /
track /
presentation /
status /
league /
usa /
press_release /
feet /
longing /
tape /
florescent /
priority /
olympia /
overcome /
back /
failure /
adidas /
enamel_paint /
Jacob_Glesson /
Vancouver_Art_Gallery /
Josefine_Lyche /
Andrew_Taggart /
Nadia_Belerique /
foam /
Chloe_Lewis /
MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery 2015-10-20
The Museum of Longing and Failure is a collecting entity that seeks to reveal the visual terrain of its thematic concern.
Installment No. 16 appeared at the Vancouver Art/Book Fair in the courtrooms of the Vancouver Art Gallery in Vancouver, Canada, from October 16th to 18th, 2015.
MOLAF, No. 16, Oct. 16 - 18. 2015
Nadia Belerique (CA)
Jacob Glesson (CA)
Josefine Lyche (NO)
Dillan Marsh (NO/UK)
Marble, dumbbell spanner, chocolate wrapper, 13x6x6 cm, 2015
exhibition /
documentation /
fair /
collection /
sculpture /
podium /
plinth /
2015 /
gallery /
fail /
platform /
court /
Trophy /
press_release /
longing /
failure /
Josefine_Lyche /
Andrew_Taggart /
Nadia_Belerique /
Chloe_Lewis /
Vancouver_Art_Gallery /
Jacob_Glesson /
athletics 2012-08-25
research /
competition /
stage /
sport /
blue /
stand /
fair /
arena /
race /
movement /
team /
stadium /
training /
win /
course /
athletics /
olympic /
track /
obstacle /
court /
arena 2012-08-25
research /
exhibition /
commerce /
competition /
stage /
photograph /
sport /
stand /
arena /
movement /
game /
space /
team /
stadium /
action /
sponsorship /
court /
podium 2012-08-25
research /
exhibition /
competition /
stage /
photograph /
sport /
stand /
arena /
race /
game /
elevation /
team /
stadium /
podium /
motivation /
win /
plinth /
training /
success /
order /
show /
course /
athletics /
steps /
olympic /
platform /
Trophy /
obstacle /
court /
stair /
track /
usa /
status /
league /
feet /
priority /
olympia /
overcome /
adidas /
tag team documentation 2010-11-19
work /
exhibition /
commerce /
competition /
recent_work /
sign /
stage /
trade /
documentation /
red /
equipment /
logo /
facade /
sport /
blue /
brand /
component /
fair /
arena /
temporary /
race /
transport /
production /
game /
team /
installation /
empty /
Norway /
communicaton /
2010 /
screen /
white /
storage /
course /
dysfunctional /
residue /
Tag_Team /
steel /
obstacle /
presentation /
court /
back /
enamel_paint /
squash court 2010-08-30
research /
competition /
facade /
sport /
arena /
structure /
game /
space /
empty /
training /
athletics /
Tag_Team /
court /
installation process tag team 2010-08-19
work /
exhibition /
competition /
recent_work /
sign /
stage /
equipment /
sport /
component /
stand /
fair /
arena /
temporary /
race /
transport /
game /
team /
portable /
2010 /
plan /
training /
retail /
storage /
process /
course /
test /
vinyl /
residue /
Tag_Team /
court /
steel /
florescent /
tape /
enamel_paint /
foam /
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