Dillan Marsh

Index: Tags / Files / Images
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temporary: research / work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / facade / logo / sport / blue / design / text / brand / collaboration / component / 2012 / stand / repeat / system / loop / fair / box / arena / temporary / vehicle / race / structure / transport / function / movement / car / cycle / driving / production / game / energy / video / drive / ritual / print / architecture / desire / light / circle / modular / darkness / space / elevation / fake / team / installation / collection / Norway / artificial / booth / model / empty / escape / collapse / studio / 2013 / sun / time / stadium / shop / communicaton / portable / sculpture / action / range / package / board / 2010 / podium / Eleanor_Clare / plan / 2011 / Entree / diagramme / furniture / New_Age / universe / noise / training / black / religion / animation / win / plinth / enterprise / retail / screen / tube / death / scenery / costume / yellow / white / drawing / storage / plastic / cabinate / solar / stripe / sale / lights / order / incomplete / scaffold / June_Twenty_First / course / show / process / sound / landscape / hippie / simulation / modified / music / catalogue / sponsorship / geometry / gallery / map / test / archetype / scale / dance / variations / carnival / big / vinyl / view / kit / rock / fire / film / destroy / shelving / steps / dysfunctional / athletics / dioramas / custom / pyramid / platform / tire / disguise / olympic / kunsthall / camp / motion / residue / pile / machismo / modern / new / 2014 / midsummer / circus / burn / Bjorn_Mortensen / Tag_Team / dizzy / aluminium / crowd / audio / field / store / presentation / chamber / helmet / summer / panoramic / court / dvd / stair / green / spinning / dome / steel / accumulator / chaos / obstacle / set / road / trick / postcard / usa / club / speed / Burnout / chair / pod / wall / Patrick_Wagner / riot / speaker / flag / wave / fruit / crate / roundabout / rave / cruise / boilersuits / constellation / sound_system / Bergen_Kunsthall / theatre / Randi_Grov_Berger / listening / mdf / reconstruction / Bergen / acoustic / pool / festival / isometric / Bernat_Daviu / camera / gantry / sub / free-party / 2016 / Seljord / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / Skjoenne_Sjeler / site / web / tape / overalls / international / ceramic / case / glass / ladder / drum / checkered / Rush / florescent / banana / olympia / Messebau-Otto-Stebel / pentagon / awkward / Mercedes / rail / octagon / sketch / winter / carpet / Anond_Versto / rectangle / river / Ellen_H_Suhrke / gap / military / cruising / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / back / Gallery_Fisk / Dodecahedron / free_party / Rhine / JoAnn_Bernofsky / drop_city / 1967 / enamel_paint / Frankfurt / flare / graph / Sir_Basil_Spence / strawberry / Clark_Richert / 1965 / Richard_Kallweit / stack / geo-dome / nitrogen / tie_dye / Buckminster_Fuller / Gene_Bernofsky / Charles_DiJulio / self_sufficient / concert / russ / techno / narrative / 1936 / soma / tunnel / London_Book_Fair / 1906 / lab / car_park / Jonas_Jensen / 1969 / sunrise / foam / athens /

Carnival Map 2016-08-01

Master slide C A R N I V A L M A S K C O S T U M E T H E A T R E T R A G E D Y C O M E D Y G R E E C E R I T U A L R E P E T I T I O N C Y C L E A D D I C T I O N O Y L I M P I A S P O R T A R E N A C O M P E T I T I O N E X C E S S F E S T I V A L F A I R M A R K E T T R A D E F A I R T R A D E D R I V E S S E A S O N S T I M E D A R K L I G H T D E S T R O Y B U I L D C O M M E R C E F A C A D E F I C T I O N E S C A P E V I R T U A L S C E N E I L L U S I O N D I S P L A Y C O R P O R A T I O N G U I L D T E M P O R A R Y D E A T H R E B I R T H F R E E P A R T Y R I O T C A M P M O T I O N F I L M F I R E F A N T A S Y M A G I C

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / facade / system / temporary / cycle / ritual / desire / darkness / fake / escape / time / action / diagramme / black / religion / death / costume / drawing / incomplete / simulation / map / carnival / dance / fire / destroy / dioramas / film / disguise / olympic / camp / burn / summer / riot / rave / theatre / 2016 / web / free-party / winter / olympia / graph / free_party /

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-08-10

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler Incomplete pyramid structure built from powder coated steel tube provisionally fastened together with brightly coloured cable ties and weighted with a pile of used tires. The sculpture is placed outside the exhibition entrance, in a circular arena and opposite the unofficial meeting place for young, local car enthusiasts. untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / fair / arena / temporary / movement / driving / car / ritual / drive / architecture / circle / modular / installation / Norway / sculpture / tube / incomplete / scaffold / dysfunctional / custom / pyramid / 2014 / tire / camp / summer / accumulator / presentation / Burnout / cruise / roundabout / festival / site / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / cruising /

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-07-13

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / fair / arena / temporary / vehicle / transport / car / cycle / movement / energy / video / drive / ritual / desire / light / circle / darkness / installation / Norway / sun / time / action / noise / universe / solar / lights / landscape / archetype / carnival / view / custom / motion / machismo / camp / 2014 / burn / field / crowd / dizzy / dvd / spinning / panoramic / chaos / speed / Burnout / speaker / trick / cruise / theatre / sound_system / constellation / rave / festival / pool / camera / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / free-party / Rush / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / river / Anond_Versto / cruising / Rhine / nitrogen / free_party / concert / tunnel / car_park / sunrise / russ / techno /

festival 2014-02-23


Tags: research / stage / photograph / fair / vehicle / temporary / transport / movement / car / drive / escape / portable / New_Age / hippie / music / dance / fire / camp / crowd / circus / dome / road / club / flag / sound_system / festival / drum / flare / geo-dome /

Sound Systems 2013-09-08

Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems Sound Systems

Tags: research / stage / photograph / equipment / stand / system / fair / box / temporary / collection / escape / New_Age / noise / scaffold / sound / music / modified / dance / carnival / big / pyramid / custom / platform / pile / audio / crowd / summer / set / wall / club / wave / speaker / listening / sound_system / acoustic / case / sub / rectangle / stack /

Installation Process Entree 2013-09-05

Installation Process Entree Installation Process Entree Installation Process Entree

Tags: work / exhibition / equipment / component / box / arena / temporary / production / installation / studio / 2013 / Entree / June_Twenty_First / process / helmet / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / sketch /

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen 2013-08-14

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen photo Randi Grov Berger June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / arena / temporary / structure / installation / Norway / 2013 / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / animation / yellow / tube / stripe / June_Twenty_First / vinyl / pile / tire / Bjorn_Mortensen / midsummer / presentation / steel / helmet / Patrick_Wagner / flag / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / checkered / octagon /

Fermilab Dodecahedron 2013-07-03

Fermilab Dodecahedron Fermilab Dodecahedron

Tags: research / exhibition / temporary / structure / production / architecture / modular / incomplete / scaffold / geometry / custom / new / modern / dome / chamber / pod / pentagon / Dodecahedron / lab /

a4432ef4cb03d06ed7 2013-07-02


Tags: research / system / temporary / structure / function / modular / collapse / order / scaffold / modified / rock /

bolt guard rails 2012-10-20

bolt guard rails

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / equipment / product / component / stand / temporary / structure / production / modular / elevation / communicaton / stadium / portable / podium / plinth / tube / scenery / lights / show / scaffold / steps / platform / aluminium / gantry / rail / carpet /

scaffold 2012-10-07

scaffold scaffold scaffold scaffold scaffold scaffold

Tags: research / equipment / product / component / stand / temporary / structure / function / production / modular / elevation / collapse / portable / diagramme / plinth / yellow / tube / drawing / incomplete / scaffold / scale / steps / platform / steel / stair / wall / gantry / reconstruction / ladder / rail /

untitled 2012-10-01

untitled untitled untitled untitled

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / stage / documentation / 2012 / stand / temporary / function / production / modular / light / Norway / studio / collapse / sculpture / board / black / plinth / scenery / retail / incomplete / lights / dysfunctional / vinyl / shelving / aluminium / set / postcard / florescent / glass / soma /

Equipment Case 2012-08-30

Equipment Case Equipment Case

Tags: research / equipment / product / system / box / temporary / transport / movement / function / production / portable / package / storage / kit / store / green / pod / crate / case / military /

Mercedes Frankfurt 2012-08-30

Mercedes Frankfurt

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / stage / trade / photograph / facade / sport / system / fair / arena / temporary / car / driving / drive / modular / elevation / podium / plinth / enterprise / gantry / Mercedes / Frankfurt / 1969 /

stadium and swimming pool 2012-08-25

stadium and swimming pool stadium and swimming pool

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / photograph / arena / temporary / race / game / architecture / space / stadium / win / athletics / olympic / modern / pool / international / athens / 1906 / 1936 /

studio test modules 2012-08-12

studio test modules

Tags: work / exhibition / photograph / facade / 2012 / component / temporary / function / production / modular / model / studio / plan / furniture / test / mdf /

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation 2012-08-12

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / trade / documentation / facade / collaboration / 2012 / stand / repeat / loop / box / temporary / function / production / installation / fake / artificial / Norway / shop / furniture / plastic / storage / shelving / Bjorn_Mortensen / store / chair / fruit / boilersuits / Bernat_Daviu / tape / ceramic / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / overalls / banana / strawberry / tie_dye /

expo67 2012-08-12

expo67 expo67

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / facade / brand / stand / fair / arena / temporary / structure / architecture / modular / sponsorship / geometry / pyramid / olympic / camp / dome / postcard / Buckminster_Fuller / 1967 / Sir_Basil_Spence /

drop city 2012-08-12

drop city drop city drop city

Tags: research / photograph / temporary / function / architecture / modular / space / escape / hippie / geometry / camp / dome / usa / pentagon / Gene_Bernofsky / JoAnn_Bernofsky / Clark_Richert / 1965 / Charles_DiJulio / Richard_Kallweit / tie_dye / drop_city / Buckminster_Fuller / self_sufficient /

fig7 2012-08-12


Tags: research / exhibition / stage / trade / equipment / product / fair / temporary / modular / steps / stair /

portable-guard-booth-1 2012-08-12


Tags: research / equipment / product / box / temporary / vehicle / architecture / booth / portable / order /

tag-team katalog 2012-03-19

Installation for me is the staging of an arena; a temporal place, where there is the suggestion of narrative, but without the acting out or realisation of it. A tension or awkwardness is arrived at through the procedure. There can be an ambiguity of state; between definitives is where I find space for the work. I construct exhibition components like film or theatre scenery; with a facade of functionality. I am interested in light constructions, that can reflect the temporal and theatrical nature of an exhibition, mobility rather than permanence can be implied. A crude and provisional construction will be revealed in places; I am curious to make components that are ill fitting or dysfunctional. I want to create gaps that can be entries into the work. A gap is a hole, the place of desire; a sense of incompleteness in ourselves, we perpetually seek fulfilment, to be whole. Fantasy is continually renewed, we return again and again to the same place. For me this is also a metaphor for the creative process: the continual making and unmaking of work, the building of ideas and their subsequent deconstruction and the need build new again.

"Click to view tag-team katalog"

Tags: work / recent_work / stage / documentation / facade / sport / text / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / arena / temporary / function / production / desire / space / Norway / portable / scenery / incomplete / catalogue / destroy / dysfunctional / Tag_Team / awkward / gap / narrative /

fair stand basis 2011-12-31

fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis fair stand basis

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / red / product / facade / brand / stand / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / white / variations / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

stand design-a series 2011-12-30

stand design-a series

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / trade / facade / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / 2011 / animation / kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

stand design-b-c-d series 2011-12-30

stand design-b-c-d series

Tags: exhibition / commerce / competition / stage / trade / facade / brand / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / booth / plan / animation / kunsthall / isometric / Messebau-Otto-Stebel /

pop-up pannel range 2011-08-17

pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range pop-up pannel range

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / competition / sign / stage / equipment / product / facade / brand / component / stand / system / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / artificial / booth / collapse / shop / communicaton / portable / range / package / furniture / enterprise / retail / variations / circus /

London-Book-Fair 2011-08-17

London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / space / empty / booth / shop / board / furniture / enterprise / retail / lights / sale / cabinate / shelving / chair / London_Book_Fair /

Ancasta-exhibition-display- 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / sign / trade / red / photograph / brand / stand / fair / temporary / structure / production / booth / shop / retail / white / incomplete / shelving /

gantry 2011-08-17


Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / structure / car / elevation / lights / aluminium / gantry /

kunsthall isometric diagrammes 2011-06-17

kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes kunsthall isometric diagrammes

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / equipment / product / facade / design / brand / component / repeat / stand / system / fair / arena / temporary / structure / production / print / architecture / modular / space / collection / booth / empty / shop / portable / range / 2011 / diagramme / enterprise / drawing / process / catalogue / gallery / variations / kunsthall / modern / Bergen_Kunsthall /

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) 2011-06-01

documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) documentation (Bergen Kunsthall) photo Jonas IB Jensen

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / stage / trade / documentation / red / facade / stand / fair / arena / temporary / architecture / modular / empty / booth / Norway / sculpture / 2011 / white / vinyl / kunsthall / aluminium / Bergen_Kunsthall / mdf / florescent / carpet / Jonas_Jensen /

kunsthall isometric colour 2011-05-30

kunsthall isometric colour

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / red / product / facade / design / stand / fair / arena / temporary / print / architecture / modular / empty / booth / studio / plan / 2011 / white / drawing / catalogue / kunsthall / Bergen_Kunsthall / isometric /

tag team documentation 2010-11-19

tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation tag team documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / equipment / facade / logo / sport / blue / brand / component / fair / arena / race / temporary / transport / game / production / team / installation / empty / Norway / communicaton / 2010 / white / screen / storage / course / dysfunctional / residue / Tag_Team / obstacle / presentation / court / steel / back / enamel_paint /

installation process tag team 2010-08-19

installation process tag team installation process tag team

Tags: work / exhibition / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / equipment / sport / component / stand / fair / arena / temporary / race / transport / game / team / portable / plan / 2010 / training / retail / storage / process / course / test / vinyl / residue / Tag_Team / court / steel / tape / florescent / enamel_paint / foam /

Documentation (installation 5.11) 2010-05-29

Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11) Documentation (installation 5.11)

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / sign / stage / trade / documentation / facade / logo / sport / stand / box / temporary / production / light / fake / installation / empty / Norway / booth / studio / communicaton / shop / board / 2010 / podium / scenery / retail / incomplete / sale / lights / storage / stripe / gallery / sponsorship / shelving / destroy / dysfunctional / store / florescent / Gallery_Fisk /

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