Dillan Marsh

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Bernat_Daviu: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / trade / documentation / facade / blue / text / collaboration / 2012 / component / repeat / stand / loop / box / temporary / function / movement / production / video / modular / fake / installation / model / artificial / Norway / collapse / shop / sculpture / furniture / animation / plastic / storage / orange / catalogue / fail / dysfunctional / shelving / store / Bjorn_Mortensen / poster / presentation / chair / fruit / glitch / boilersuits / still_life / mdf / Bernat_Daviu / banana / ceramic / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / overalls / tape / pear / strawberry / tie_dye /

shelves chairs boilersuits 2012-08-14

shelves chairs boilersuits photo bjorn mortensen

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / blue / 2012 / collaboration / function / production / modular / installation / model / sculpture / furniture / catalogue / shelving / Bjorn_Mortensen / poster / presentation / chair / boilersuits / Bernat_Daviu / mdf / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / overalls / ceramic /

morgenbladet 2012-08-14

Olsson anbefaler 18. - 24. mai, morgenbladet.no
Tommy Olsson gir deg hver uke sine kunstanbefalinger.
Publisert: 16. mai 2012 - 9:30

Shelves, Chairs and Boilersuits, Tollbodallmeninngen 39, Bergen
Det er noe spesiellt pirrende med visningsteder som bare har en adresse a vise til, og denne aner jeg fint lite om, bortsett fra at den ikke burde være vanskelig a finne. Og fordi pressemeldingen sier 'Art is design that has become dysfunctional because the society that provided the basis for it suffered a historical collapse' og ikke sa veldig mye mer. Men mer trengs ikke for a fa meg interessert, egentlig. Historisk kollaps, huh? Det beskriver jo tingenes tilstand til enhver tid, spor du meg.

Tags: work / text / 2012 / collaboration / production / Norway / collapse / Bjorn_Mortensen / Bernat_Daviu / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 /

shelves chairs and boilersuits press release 2012-08-14

What value does an object have, if it has lost it's function?

What happens when a chair is something that you cannot sit down on any more?

The function of art is not so clearly defined, theorists and critics are still discussing this question. What is the function of art and where is the art in a piece of work? We are proposing to explore this through the making of objects that appear to be functional at first glance.

The seemingly functional is turned completely useless or perhaps the useless object has suddenly become functional; could this be at the core of where fine art production separates from other genres? The question of what are we left with when art fails to tell stories, fails to prove craftsmanship, fails to be conceptual, fails to document, fails to critique, fails to construct a better world, and so on and so on. A dysfunctional object in our culture is at best a problematic object.

Tags: work / recent_work / text / collaboration / 2012 / function / production / Norway / furniture / fail / dysfunctional / Bjorn_Mortensen / boilersuits / Bernat_Daviu / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 /

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation 2012-08-12

shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation shelves chairs and boilersuits documentation

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / trade / documentation / facade / 2012 / collaboration / repeat / stand / loop / box / temporary / function / production / installation / fake / Norway / artificial / shop / furniture / plastic / storage / shelving / store / Bjorn_Mortensen / fruit / chair / boilersuits / Bernat_Daviu / ceramic / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / overalls / banana / tape / strawberry / tie_dye /

video loop (fruit) 2012-06-11

video loop (fruit)

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / component / 2012 / repeat / movement / production / video / fake / installation / model / artificial / animation / plastic / orange / Bjorn_Mortensen / fruit / still_life / glitch / Bernat_Daviu / banana / pear / strawberry /

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