Dillan Marsh

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cabinate: research / work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / facade / logo / sport / blue / design / brand / 2012 / collaboration / component / stand / repeat / loop / system / box / fair / vehicle / race / temporary / transport / belief / structure / function / movement / car / driving / production / energy / game / ritual / drive / architecture / desire / modular / darkness / light / space / elevation / fake / installation / super / collection / artificial / Norway / empty / booth / model / studio / escape / sun / 2013 / collapse / communicaton / shop / board / slogen / portable / sculpture / body / range / package / plan / total / podium / diagramme / furniture / noise / universe / black / animation / training / plinth / retail / white / scenery / costume / drawing / enterprise / screen / storage / lights / cabinate / sale / plastic / incomplete / solar / scaffold / process / simulation / orange / sound / show / square / hippie / catalogue / gallery / modified / cube / fail / double / archetype / variations / scale / magic / pyramid / shelving / dioramas / custom / therapy / view / big / mill_race_gallery / platform / modern / disguise / residue / pile / audio / advetisement / field / museum / dvd / chamber / dome / stair / summer / billboard / chaos / accumulator / skin / Trophy / panoramic / bergen_kjott / status / pod / speaker / trick / crate / chair / listening / sound_system / Proverommet / orgone / seek / still_life / mirror / glitch / rainbow / America / increase / isolation / reconstruction / elephant / pool / ikea / giant / acoustic / camera / glass / delay / plant / tank / Wilhelm_Reich / sub / disappearance / case / taxidermy / cone / awkward / utopia / reveal / insulation / gondolas / bust / David_LaChapelle / christmas / London_Book_Fair / kardashian /

Kardashian_Christmas_Card 2013-12-20


Tags: research / exhibition / stage / photograph / brand / stand / ritual / desire / light / darkness / fake / booth / artificial / studio / collapse / 2013 / shop / podium / costume / retail / cabinate / plastic / lights / simulation / archetype / pyramid / dioramas / residue / pile / advetisement / billboard / Trophy / chaos / status / America / mirror / rainbow / camera / reconstruction / plant / utopia / awkward / bust / kardashian / David_LaChapelle / christmas /

Speakers 2013-09-08


Tags: research / product / component / system / box / noise / cabinate / sound / double / custom / audio / sound_system / listening / acoustic / case /

Simulator 2012-10-20


Tags: research / stage / product / sport / stand / system / race / vehicle / driving / fake / model / booth / artificial / escape / podium / training / cabinate / simulation / chamber / stair / pod / trick / tank /

253-1 2012-10-07

253-1 253-1

Tags: research / stage / facade / component / box / game / light / fake / empty / escape / diagramme / plan / podium / plinth / scenery / cabinate / cube / magic / trick / mirror / delay / glass /

elephant 2012-08-30

elephant elephant

Tags: research / exhibition / stage / photograph / facade / structure / installation / fake / collection / model / booth / studio / body / podium / plinth / scenery / cabinate / incomplete / scaffold / simulation / scale / dioramas / big / disguise / platform / museum / panoramic / Trophy / skin / pod / still_life / reconstruction / elephant / giant / taxidermy /

sun pod 2012-08-26

sun pod

Tags: research / photograph / product / box / belief / energy / light / artificial / booth / sun / body / podium / training / screen / cabinate / solar / plastic / orange / view / therapy / chamber / dome / summer / accumulator / skin / pod / isolation / tank / insulation /

isolation tank 2012-08-26

isolation tank isolation tank isolation tank

Tags: research / product / box / artificial / booth / cabinate / therapy / chamber / pod / pool / isolation / tank /

car stereo 2012-08-26

car stereo car stereo car stereo car stereo

Tags: research / competition / photograph / equipment / facade / sport / vehicle / transport / car / driving / movement / drive / desire / noise / cabinate / sound / modified / big / audio / speaker / listening / sub / cone /

orgone accumulator 2012-08-25

orgone accumulator

Tags: research / photograph / box / belief / energy / desire / empty / booth / universe / cabinate / hippie / therapy / field / accumulator / chamber / chair / orgone / increase / isolation / Wilhelm_Reich /

super total documentation 2012-08-15

super total documentation super total documentation super total documentation

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / stage / documentation / red / equipment / logo / facade / blue / brand / collaboration / component / 2012 / stand / repeat / loop / box / fair / transport / function / elevation / installation / Norway / communicaton / slogen / portable / furniture / animation / white / storage / cabinate / fail / dioramas / mill_race_gallery / museum / dvd / crate / bergen_kjott / Proverommet / glitch / glass /

super total plan diagramme 2012-08-15

super total plan diagramme super total plan diagramme

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / sign / documentation / red / equipment / blue / design / 2012 / component / collaboration / box / transport / function / production / elevation / super / package / sculpture / total / diagramme / plan / drawing / cabinate / process / gallery / double / mill_race_gallery / museum / crate / Proverommet / gondolas /

modular-modern-shelves-set 2012-08-12


Tags: research / trade / equipment / product / facade / box / function / modular / shop / furniture / storage / cabinate / square / cube / shelving / modern /

video loop (ikea) 2012-08-10

video loop (ikea)

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / product / 2012 / repeat / modular / range / furniture / black / animation / white / storage / cabinate / catalogue / variations / shelving / ikea /

Seeking Disappearance and Escape 2012-01-11

Seeking Disappearance and Escape Seeking Disappearance and Escape Seeking Disappearance and Escape

Tags: research / exhibition / stage / facade / box / game / fake / booth / escape / body / screen / cabinate / show / simulation / magic / trick / seek / disappearance / reveal /

London-Book-Fair 2011-08-17

London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair London-Book-Fair

Tags: research / exhibition / commerce / sign / trade / photograph / equipment / stand / fair / temporary / architecture / space / empty / booth / shop / board / furniture / enterprise / retail / lights / sale / cabinate / shelving / chair / London_Book_Fair /

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