Dillan Marsh

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documentation: research / work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / competition / sign / stage / trade / documentation / red / photograph / equipment / product / facade / logo / sport / blue / design / text / brand / component / collaboration / 2012 / stand / repeat / loop / system / box / fair / arena / vehicle / race / temporary / structure / transport / belief / car / movement / cycle / driving / function / energy / production / game / video / ritual / drive / print / architecture / desire / modular / light / darkness / circle / elevation / space / installation / collection / super / fake / team / Norway / empty / booth / model / artificial / collapse / 2013 / escape / sun / studio / communicaton / orbit / time / shop / publication / body / slogen / package / action / sculpture / range / board / portable / total / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / furniture / plan / 2010 / decal / diagramme / podium / 2011 / New_Age / universe / noise / animation / religion / black / plinth / white / drawing / scenery / enterprise / costume / screen / retail / yellow / death / tube / storage / solar / cabinate / plastic / label / incomplete / success / order / stripe / lights / creation / sale / square / edition / landscape / course / orange / show / June_Twenty_First / livery / simulation / process / hippie / 2015 / scaffold / sound / gallery / map / sponsorship / music / catalogue / test / geometry / modified / double / archetype / scale / dance / mask / carnival / cube / variations / fail / destroy / steps / connection / fire / therapy / vinyl / shelving / rock / dysfunctional / dioramas / custom / view / magic / wheel / film / pyramid / olympic / camp / 2014 / motion / residue / disguise / astronomy / mill_race_gallery / machismo / tire / kunsthall / new / modern / platform / pile / aluminium / Bjorn_Mortensen / museum / collage / hole / field / audio / store / Tag_Team / crowd / circus / dizzy / advetisement / screen_print / midsummer / burn / garage / helmet / rubber / dvd / spinning / set / billboard / dome / Trophy / accumulator / skin / poster / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / steel / obstacle / green / cosmos / transformation / solstice / chaos / presentation / future / court / panoramic / stair / summer / trick / Patrick_Wagner / Burnout / chair / crate / wall / postcard / club / fruit / road / speaker / speed / earth / bergen_kjott / riot / matter / dissolve / flag / nature / water / Bergen_Kunsthall / glitch / Randi_Grov_Berger / pattern / seek / cruise / press_release / sound_system / boilersuits / still_life / solar_system / constellation / rave / creativity / Proverommet / roundabout / theatre / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / nature / megalith / rainbow / America / Assembly_House_Studios / Bergen / phenomena / Apis_Press / Comedy_and_Tragedy / barrier / ride / mdf / ikea / festival / Bernat_Daviu / cardboard / viewpoint / elephant / survival / Francois_Hugo / rubish / shrine / acoustic / increase / pool / camera / band / colour / projection / isometric / touch / obsolete / spectrum / sick / tool / voice / star / web / florescent / Seljord / overalls / tape / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / delay / Appendix / ladder / free-party / planets / Skjoenne_Sjeler / triangle / longing / hands / emotional / 2016 / Norsk_Kulturradet / About_Time / interchange / Mathijs_van_Geest / gold / pagan / banana / glass / layer / disappearance / sequence / tank / site / feel / Tollbodallmeninngen_39 / ceramic / flyer / Bergen_Kommune / international / march / drum / balance / checkered / Nestle / Rush / price / rubbing / clay / dots / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / ancient / cruising / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / Matt_Wheeldon / perspective / Moderna_Museet / bag / Peter Cailler / river / head / winter / back / gap / Lester_Drake / octagon / excitement / Tigh_na_Cailleach / Rufus_Newell / Ellie_MacGarry / nordic / london / vegetable / storm / olympia / carpet / Gallery_Fisk / pear / Anond_Versto / awkward / Mike_Winnard / Toucher / 2009 / rectangle / Archway / M25 / utopia / tie_dye / strawberry / gondolas / Top-Buzz / enamel_paint / Emma_Houlihan / Bryndis_Bjornsdottir / Hulda_Stefansdottir / Lina_Zaveckyte / symposium / reveal / Castle_and_Elephant / 1980 / New York / Vanitas / hexagon / top / failure / Zwischenlandung / Pella_Kagerman / Domas_Rukas / Karen_Kipphoff / Olav_Westphalen / definition / Elizabeth_Rowe / geo-dome / Kohler / Peforma13 Hub / eternal / mono-print / polygon / stool / mountain / John Higgins / chemistry / free_party / Hugo_and_the_Planets / graph / Stockholm / Asta_Ostrovskaja / Gabriele_Edlbauer / Marjolijn_Dijkman / Sindri_Snaer_Sveinbjargar_Leifsson / Reykjavik / Irma_Stanaityte / Rumiko_Hagiwara / hour_meter / platonic_solids / Sunderland / performa / odyssey / stripes / timer / Mayhem / nitrogen / C-print / Out_of_Key / SUPER_TOTAL / Arthurs_Seat / weather / Baldvin_Einarsson / Helene_Norseth / Michelle_Teran / Werner_Nekes / Vilnius / Kari_Stefansson / Hannah_Conroy / Infernal_Eternal / Piramid Stage / 1990 / Dodecahedron / Jan_van_Huysum / Bulgari / Rhine / tunnel / monitor / Jacob_Glesson / MOLAF / forming / New_Haven_Bay / alchemy / Buro_fur_Problem / 1981 / E_C_Cawte / TOP_BUZ / 1992 / chocolate / spanner / Arosa / Milton_Keynes / concert / painting / Josefine_Lyche / Poke_Holes / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / Deuxpiece / travel / balloon / Nothing_About_Trees / 2000 / Glastonbury / Helsinki / Tomorrow_is_Born / russ / sandpaper / bass_amp / lamp / whispering / Andrew_Taggart / Nadia_Belerique / Granton_Mound / The_Hand_and_the_Hole / NEVERODDOREVEN / plexiglass / dortmunder_kunstverein / soma / Multiple_Failures / Guisers / drinking_straws / Al_Pacino / shaking / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / Halloween / marble / Shepton_Mallet / sunrise / mummers / Chloe_Lewis / Vancouver_Art_Gallery / Halhjem_Helleristninger / Face / Basel / Jonas_Jensen / narrative / Jan_Kolata / ants / the_mathematical_society_of_traffic_flow / Marduk / dice / Natasha_Marie_Llorens / pumpkin / car_park / techno /

Site Map Local 2016-08-13

Master slide [ S i t e ] - i n d e x . h t m l s m i l e y - s t o n e s - d i l l a n - m a r s h . j p g f a v i c o n . i c o ? ? ? ? . c s s [ d i l l a n ] - t a g i n d e x . p h p - f i l e i n d e x . p h p - i m a g e i n d e x . p h p - n e w e n t r y . p h p - r a n d e n t r y . p h p - c o n t a c t . h t m l h o m e . p h p i n d e x . p h p e n t r y . p h p n e w e n t r y _ o l d . p h p o n e e n t r y . p h p [ a l l ] - f i l e _ m e n u . p h p - i m a g e _ m e n u . p h p - t a g _ m e n u . p h p - f o o t . p h p - f o o t m e n u . p h p - h e a d . p h p - s t y l e h e a d . p h p - t o p . p h p - m y f u n c t i o n s . p h p - m y c o n n e c t . p h p - m a i n m e n u . p h p h o m e _ i n d e x . p h p m y c o n n e c t _ a d m i n . p h p n e w - w e b - s t y l e . c s s [ e n t r y _ p a g e ] e n t r y t a g s . p h p r e l a t e d t a g s . p h p f e t c h _ d e t a i l . p h p n e w _ l i n e . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r i e s . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r i e s 1 . p h p - o u t _ e n t r y . p h p [ h o m e _ p a g e ] s e l e c t _ c a t . p h p s e l e c t _ t a g . p h p - t a g m e n u . p h p - c a t l i s t . p h p - t a g l i s t . p h p [ n a m e _ p a g e ] p a g e s . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r y l i s t . p h p t n _ o u t _ e n t r y . p h p t n _ s e l e c t _ e n t r y l i s t . p h p - t n _ p a g e s . p h p [ t n _ e n t r i e s ] t n _ . . . j p g t n _ . . . g i f [ e n t r i e s ] . . . p h p . . . j p g . . . p d f . . . g i f . . . s w f . . . m p 4 [ c r e a t e _ t a b l e s ] c r e a t e _ a l l . p h p c r e a t e _ c a t t a b l e . p h p c r e a t e _ e n t r y c o d e . p h p c r e a t e _ e n t r y t a b l e . p h p c r e a t e _ e n t r y t a g . p h p c r e a t e _ t a g c a t . p h p c r e a t e _ t a g t a b l e . p h p [ f o r m s ] c a t f o r m . p h p t a g f o r m . p h p e n t r y f o r m . p h p c h a n g e c a t . p h p c h a n g e e n t r y . p h p c h a n g e t a g e n t . p h p d e l e t e c a t . p h p d e l e t e t a g . p h p m y p a s s . p h p [ i n c l u d e s ] a d d _ p i c s . p h p a d d _ t a g s . p h p c h a n g e _ a l l t a g s . p h p c h a n g e _ p i c s . p h p c h a n g e _ t a g s . p h p c r e a t e t n . p h p d e l e t e _ r e c o r d . p h p e d i t _ r e c o r d . p h p i n s e r t _ c a t n a m e . p h p i n s e r t _ e n t r y n a m e . p h p i n s e r t _ e n t r y p i c . p h p i n s e r t _ t a g n a m e . p h p s e l e c t _ c a t . p h p s e l e c t _ c a t i d . p h p s e l e c t _ c a t s 1 . p h p s e l e c t _ c a t t a g . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r y . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r y d e t a i l s . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r y n a m e . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t r y t a g s . p h p s e l e c t _ e n t s 3 . p h p s e l e c t _ t a g . p h p s e l e c t _ t a g i d . p h p s e l e c t _ t a g s 1 . p h p s e l e c t _ t a g s 2 . p h p s e l e c t _ t a g s 3 . p h p s e n d _ a d d t a g s . p h p s e n d _ c a t f o r m . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e a l l c a t . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e c a t . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e e n t r y . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e e n t r y 1 . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e a g e n t . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e a g e n t 2 . p h p s e n d _ c h a n g e t a g s . p h p s e n d _ c o d e f o r m . p h p s e n d _ d e l e t e c a t . p h p s e n d _ d e l e t e t a g . p h p s e n d _ e d i t e n t r y f o r m . p h p s e n d _ e n t r y f o r m . p h p s e n d _ e n t r y t a g s . p h p s e n d _ p a s s . p h p s e n d _ t a g f o r m . p h p f o s s i l s a n d s t a r s b l o g s p o t . n o

Tags: work / documentation / text / function / total / diagramme / drawing / map / view / 2016 /

Carnival Map 2016-08-01

Master slide C A R N I V A L M A S K C O S T U M E T H E A T R E T R A G E D Y C O M E D Y G R E E C E R I T U A L R E P E T I T I O N C Y C L E A D D I C T I O N O Y L I M P I A S P O R T A R E N A C O M P E T I T I O N E X C E S S F E S T I V A L F A I R M A R K E T T R A D E F A I R T R A D E D R I V E S S E A S O N S T I M E D A R K L I G H T D E S T R O Y B U I L D C O M M E R C E F A C A D E F I C T I O N E S C A P E V I R T U A L S C E N E I L L U S I O N D I S P L A Y C O R P O R A T I O N G U I L D T E M P O R A R Y D E A T H R E B I R T H F R E E P A R T Y R I O T C A M P M O T I O N F I L M F I R E F A N T A S Y M A G I C

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / competition / recent_work / stage / trade / documentation / facade / system / temporary / cycle / ritual / desire / darkness / fake / escape / time / action / diagramme / black / religion / death / costume / drawing / incomplete / simulation / map / carnival / dance / dioramas / film / fire / destroy / camp / disguise / olympic / burn / summer / riot / theatre / rave / 2016 / web / free-party / winter / olympia / graph / free_party /

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds 2015-12-15

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds
The Travels of The Toucher

Dillan Marsh & Eleanor Clare

Video projection with audio played through a bass amp, 45 sec. loop
Framed digital C-print, 60x85cm
Audio, played through a mini guitar amp, 5.20min. loop
Digital photograph on 32 inch monitor
Stud wall with two poke holes cut through it
Five terracotta clay objects on different sized plinths
Framed painting, acrylic on two 21x15cm sheets of paper
Work lamp, lighting back yard
Publication, in edition of 50

The Travels of The Toucher, Assembly House, Leeds

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / loop / box / cycle / video / ritual / print / light / darkness / collection / installation / studio / publication / time / body / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / noise / plinth / screen / creation / plastic / sound / 2015 / landscape / show / rock / connection / view / film / hole / audio / chaos / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / wall / nature / speaker / earth / matter / megalith / sound_system / nature / water / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / shrine / acoustic / barrier / rubish / projection / Assembly_House_Studios / voice / Bergen_Kommune / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / Norsk_Kulturradet / About_Time / ceramic / feel / hands / site / winter / Ellie_MacGarry / Rufus_Newell / clay / Lester_Drake / Tigh_na_Cailleach / ancient / Matt_Wheeldon / back / Mike_Winnard / gap / Arthurs_Seat / C-print / monitor / whispering / Granton_Mound / Poke_Holes / lamp / painting / Halhjem_Helleristninger / The_Hand_and_the_Hole / bass_amp / New_Haven_Bay /

TOP BUZ 2015-12-15


Tags: work / documentation / logo / facade / design / fair / vehicle / movement / energy / ritual / print / desire / elevation / super / screen / lights / 2015 / edition / music / carnival / motion / dizzy / advetisement / spinning / solstice / riot / rainbow / ride / phenomena / increase / Rush / dots / top / Top-Buzz / TOP_BUZ /

The Travels of The Toucher 2015-12-14

With cardboard boxes over their heads and two holes punched out for their arms, they began with wet clay, and without any other idea than to see what came by handling it. What they arrived at was not a sculpture, but a way to begin. The possibility to destroy and remake was always there: it was just a means of getting to the thing.

On a wet and windy day, they journeyed out to Tigh na Cailleach, home of the Old Woman of the Glen, just before she withdrew into her shelter for winter. They were not sure what they might find, or what to do when they got there. They were walking a path that had been walked for thousands of years. They were hopeful that they would make their destination on time, and fearful of regret, lest they should have to turn back. It was not that time or nature were against them; it was simply that the elements continued, and would continue interminably, before them, after them and in spite of them. The night was drawing closer with every step further into the heart of the glen. Colours were changing to soft and rusty ochres, greens and bluey-greys. The form of the land was becoming gentler and more rounded. The deep, broad loch had now tapered off into a trickling stream; yet the wind raged on, and the rain beat with a stinging patter against against their faces.

They were looking for the very beginnings of meaning and making: to connect thousands of years ago with today. They wanted to find it, but when they arrived, they still didn’t know what to do. Not there at the shrine, nor in the studio with the clay.

This work has been kindly supported by: Assembly House Studios, About Time, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bergen Kommune, Norsk Kulturradet (Arts Council Norway)

The Travels of The Toucher

The Travels of The Toucher

Dillan Marsh & Eleanor Clare
Assembly House Studios 20-29 Nov. 2015
Sat. & Sun. 1-4pm or by appointment

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / cycle / video / drive / ritual / light / darkness / installation / time / publication / sculpture / Eleanor_Clare / religion / creation / landscape / 2015 / sound / edition / catalogue / archetype / rock / audio / chaos / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / future / wall / water / creativity / press_release / nature / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / megalith / sound_system / seek / shrine / cardboard / touch / Assembly_House_Studios / Norsk_Kulturradet / About_Time / ceramic / site / Bergen_Kommune / pagan / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / Matt_Wheeldon / Tigh_na_Cailleach / Lester_Drake / winter / ancient / Rufus_Newell / Ellie_MacGarry / Mike_Winnard / storm / Arthurs_Seat / weather / travel / Face /

Cash & Carry, Entree 2015-12-10

Cash & Carry, Entree Cash & Carry, Entree
Cash & Carry
05.12 – 09.01
Markeveien 4b

5012 Bergen

Tue 12- 6pm
Wed 12- 6pm
Thu 12- 8pm
Fri 12- 6pm
Sat 12- 6pm
Sun 14- 7pm

Marthe Elise Stramrud, Sveinung Rudjord Unneland, Tom Kosmo, Azar Alsharif, Lasse Arikstad, Dillan Marsh, Magnhild oen Nordahl, Cato Loland, Bjorn Mortensen, Toril Johannessen, Heidi Bjorgan, Stian Adlandsvik, Lars Korff Lofthus, Bjorn-Henrik Lybeck, Johanna Lettmayer, Anngjerd Rustand, Julie Lillelien Porter, Anne Marthe Dyvi, Borghild Rudjord Unneland, Malin Lennstrom-Ortwall, Kay Arne Kirkebo, Randi Nygard, Tatiana Lozano, Klara Sofie Ludvigsen, Lisa Him-Jensen, Torgrim Sund, Kirsti van Hoegee, Sif Ankergard, Gabriel Johann Kvendseth, Terence Koh, Scott Elliott, Trollkrem, Linn Pedersen, Tag Andersson, Kristin Tarnesvik, Vilde Salhus Roed.

Cash & Carry, Entree

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / system / cycle / light / studio / sun / orbit / Entree / costume / order / solar / 2015 / double / archetype / mask / disguise / collage / cosmos / constellation / press_release / Randi_Grov_Berger / Francois_Hugo / spectrum / star / gold / planets / Nestle / Peter Cailler / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Hugo_and_the_Planets /

Toucher 2015-10-26


Tags: work / documentation / collaboration / desire / publication / action / body / Eleanor_Clare / drawing / creation / 2015 / simulation / archetype / connection / skin / Edinburgh_Sculpture_Workshop / Yorkshire_Sculpture_Park / touch / About_Time / hands / feel / The_Travels_of_The_Toucher / rubbing / clay / Toucher / forming /

MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery 2015-10-20

The Museum of Longing and Failure is a collecting entity that seeks to reveal the visual terrain of its thematic concern.
Installment No. 16 appeared at the Vancouver Art/Book Fair in the courtrooms of the Vancouver Art Gallery in Vancouver, Canada, from October 16th to 18th, 2015.


MOLAF, No. 16, Oct. 16 - 18. 2015

Nadia Belerique (CA)
Jacob Glesson (CA)
Josefine Lyche (NO)
Dillan Marsh (NO/UK)

Marble, dumbbell spanner, chocolate wrapper, 13x6x6 cm, 2015

MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery MOLAF, Vancouver Art Gallery

Tags: exhibition / documentation / fair / collection / sculpture / podium / plinth / 2015 / gallery / fail / platform / court / Trophy / press_release / longing / failure / Josefine_Lyche / Andrew_Taggart / Nadia_Belerique / Chloe_Lewis / Vancouver_Art_Gallery / Jacob_Glesson / MOLAF /

New Age 2015-09-24

New Age

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / belief / time / New_Age / hippie / 2015 / new / screen_print / aluminium / future / presentation / flyer /

Top Buzz 2015-09-23

Top Buzz
Top Buzz, Screen Print on Plexiglass, 2015

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / fair / energy / print / slogen / plastic / 2015 / edition / orange / carnival / screen_print / advetisement / spinning / presentation / speed / rainbow / Top-Buzz / plexiglass /

Comedy and Tragedy, Collage 2015-02-14

Comedy and Tragedy, Collage

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / collaboration / repeat / box / cycle / energy / ritual / darkness / studio / orbit / Eleanor_Clare / universe / costume / 2015 / mask / carnival / dance / double / therapy / disguise / dizzy / collage / spinning / chaos / theatre / Comedy_and_Tragedy / sick / tape / rubbing / head / sandpaper / mummers /

Vanitas, collage, 2014 2015-02-10

Vanitas, collage, 2014

Collage with Bulgari advertisement Octo, Eternal Values (2014) and a bookmark from the National Gallery, London (An Allegory to the Vanities of Human Life, detail, circa 1736 Jan van Huysum)

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / documentation / product / logo / belief / desire / darkness / collection / time / religion / black / death / creation / double / dioramas / 2014 / motion / advetisement / collage / nature / still_life / price / Jan_van_Huysum / Bulgari / timer / Vanitas /

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-09-09

untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled collection, Skjoenne Sjeler

- collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Series 22
- role playing dice with the numbers removed and in the forms of the 5 Platonic Solids
- collage with Bulgari advertisement Eternal Values and bookmark with Vanitas by Jan van Huysum
- RUSH, Yikes and Power Promotions (1992) on a small white stool
- Collage with Odyssey, a Journey into Dance and postcard Urnascher Sylvesterchause
- Trophy, marble base, universal imperial spanner and chocolate wrapper
- Tomorrow is Born, Acidica Productions (Shepton Mallet, 1992)
- postcard of Arosa 1800m, Innerarosa, Alpentobel, Erzhorn
- digital machine timer Red Lion 202/95EC (counting the time in milliseconds)
- NEW AGE (Milton Keynes)
- a toy Halloween pumpkin
- mono-print on paper Mayhem in 1990 printed with an empty black ink cartridge

Tags: work / exhibition / commerce / recent_work / documentation / fair / cycle / production / energy / ritual / print / space / installation / collection / Norway / time / sculpture / New_Age / noise / black / costume / white / death / scenery / creation / plastic / orange / landscape / geometry / music / carnival / dance / mask / cube / pyramid / new / motion / 2014 / collage / advetisement / future / poster / Trophy / cosmos / presentation / summer / club / chair / postcard / wall / riot / nature / rainbow / still_life / constellation / solar_system / cruise / rave / Francois_Hugo / band / tool / festival / colour / Rush / Seljord / Skjoenne_Sjeler / flyer / triangle / free-party / gold / Nestle / vegetable / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / utopia / Anond_Versto / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / M25 / eternal / Dodecahedron / stripes / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / Mayhem / 1990 / hexagon / Jan_van_Huysum / mountain / Bulgari / stool / Piramid Stage / Out_of_Key / odyssey / mono-print / polygon / hour_meter / timer / Vanitas / Kohler / Urnascher_Sylvesterchause / pumpkin / spanner / Milton_Keynes / marble / Shepton_Mallet / Odyssey_and_Sylvesterchlause / 1992 / Halloween / chocolate / Tomorrow_is_Born / Arosa /

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-08-10

untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler Incomplete pyramid structure built from powder coated steel tube provisionally fastened together with brightly coloured cable ties and weighted with a pile of used tires. The sculpture is placed outside the exhibition entrance, in a circular arena and opposite the unofficial meeting place for young, local car enthusiasts. untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled sculpture, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / documentation / fair / arena / temporary / movement / driving / car / ritual / drive / architecture / modular / circle / installation / Norway / sculpture / tube / incomplete / scaffold / custom / pyramid / dysfunctional / 2014 / tire / camp / summer / accumulator / presentation / Burnout / cruise / roundabout / festival / Seljord / site / Skjoenne_Sjeler / cruising /

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler 2014-07-13

untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler untitled installation, Skjoenne Sjeler

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / fair / arena / temporary / vehicle / transport / movement / car / cycle / energy / video / drive / ritual / desire / light / circle / darkness / installation / Norway / sun / time / action / noise / universe / lights / solar / landscape / archetype / carnival / view / custom / camp / 2014 / motion / machismo / field / crowd / dizzy / burn / chaos / dvd / spinning / panoramic / speed / Burnout / speaker / trick / rave / cruise / theatre / sound_system / constellation / camera / festival / pool / Skjoenne_Sjeler / Seljord / free-party / Rush / cruising / Oystein_Wyller_Odden / Ellen_H_Suhrke / river / Anond_Versto / free_party / Rhine / nitrogen / russ / techno / concert / tunnel / car_park / sunrise /

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage 2014-02-10

Hugo and the Cosmos, collage

Collage with Francois Hugo dans son atelier and a stamp from the Album Nestle, Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Sciences, Decouvertes, Explorations, Avenures, Series 22

Tags: work / recent_work / trade / documentation / ritual / space / studio / action / universe / creation / solar / geometry / mask / archetype / magic / modern / 2014 / astronomy / machismo / collage / transformation / matter / constellation / Francois_Hugo / gold / Hugo_and_the_Cosmos / Peter Cailler / chemistry / Hugo_and_the_Planets / alchemy /

Out of Key, mono-print 2014-02-10

Mayhem in 1990 printed with an empty black ink cartridge

Out of Key, mono-print

Tags: recent_work / documentation / ritual / print / darkness / black / death / costume / music / carnival / mask / rock / 2014 / transformation / dissolve / riot / Mayhem / mono-print / 1990 / Out_of_Key /

Comedy and Tragedy, Text 2014-02-08

Comedy and Tragedy
text by Eleanor Clare, 2014, published in NEVERODDOREVEN, Deuxpiece and Buro fur Problem, Basel

I was frantic, feeling a little sick and dizzy, but determined to carry on.
What had to be done, had to be done. It was a desperate attempt.
It was a hollow action.
It was just doing for the sake of doing.
It was doing to find some momentary release from the feeling of total inertia, of being stuck.
Now I must talk of hollow laughter.
Some say it is the laughter of a psychopath: cold, hard, unfeeling.
I say it is simply laughter at the end of the tether.
They say, if you don't laugh you'll cry.
I have been laughing this way.
I cry until I laugh, and laugh until I cry.
There is not much in between, but for an empty and desolate expanse stretching out ahead.
When I am laughing, I do not know if the laughter itself feels unreal, or if I myself am unreal.
It seems like I have been caught by something I cannot quite grasp.
I am in its grip: the grip of humour.
Watching myself on a screen, I make myself laugh, for I am hysterical.
Here I am comedy.
I laugh a senseless, reasonless laughter that has no meaning, other than to shake and move in a way that is ridiculous.
It is laughter in the extreme, because it cannot end until it reaches the opposite pole: tragedy.


"Emotions exist beyond time, as the pulse of pure physical connection to the world and its music.
Like music, they are a form of movement _ the origin of the word emotion lies in the Latin, emovere, to move out, remove, agitiate."

Comedy and Tragedy, Text

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / photograph / text / collaboration / repeat / loop / box / movement / game / video / ritual / darkness / empty / artificial / studio / collapse / orbit / communicaton / publication / action / body / Eleanor_Clare / universe / screen / costume / edition / mask / carnival / archetype / dance / 2014 / motion / disguise / dizzy / circus / dvd / spinning / speed / theatre / sick / Comedy_and_Tragedy / cardboard / emotional / excitement / Deuxpiece / NEVERODDOREVEN / Basel / shaking / Buro_fur_Problem /

Flag New York City, Performa 13 2013-11-20

Flag New York City, Performa 13 Flag New York City, Performa 13

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / print / super / 2013 / publication / slogen / Entree / total / flag / America / Randi_Grov_Berger / Peforma13 Hub / performa / New York / SUPER_TOTAL /

Flag New york City, Catalogue 2013-11-20

Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue Flag New york City, Catalogue

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / print / super / 2013 / publication / total / Entree / catalogue / America / Randi_Grov_Berger / performa / New York / Peforma13 Hub / SUPER_TOTAL / Natasha_Marie_Llorens /

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London 2013-10-19

untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London photography Ben Turner untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London untitled installation, Bomb Factory, London

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / photograph / equipment / component / repeat / stand / loop / race / vehicle / structure / belief / cycle / driving / car / energy / video / ritual / drive / print / circle / darkness / space / installation / collection / 2013 / collapse / time / orbit / action / New_Age / noise / animation / black / screen / tube / costume / solar / sound / scaffold / geometry / modified / music / gallery / cube / dance / mask / film / pyramid / wheel / rock / fire / shelving / custom / machismo / tire / disguise / burn / rubber / dvd / presentation / dome / helmet / steel / Burnout / speed / club / road / postcard / riot / rave / roundabout / solar_system / phenomena / cardboard / band / spectrum / rubish / Francois_Hugo / tank / march / drum / ladder / free-party / Nestle / planets / Archway / london / Peter Cailler / hour_meter / John Higgins / Infernal_Eternal / platonic_solids / Sunderland / geo-dome / Piramid Stage / Kohler / 2000 / Guisers / drinking_straws / Glastonbury / Marduk / dice / Nothing_About_Trees / E_C_Cawte / 1981 /

American Flag 2013-09-05

Tags: research / work / sign / stage / documentation / facade / loop / video / light / board / screen / stripe / lights / film / magic / machismo / billboard / flag / America / cruising / 1980 / Al_Pacino /

the Mathematical Society of Traffic Flow 2013-08-31

Tags: work / documentation / repeat / loop / system / vehicle / transport / cycle / driving / movement / car / video / drive / circle / artificial / orbit / universe / simulation / connection / wheel / road / roundabout / pattern / delay / sequence / balance / the_mathematical_society_of_traffic_flow /

Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition 2013-08-15

Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Screen print collaboration with Patrick Wagner, contact Entree for further information. Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition Patrick Wagner Screen Print Edition

Tags: work / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / June_Twenty_First / edition / screen_print / green / Patrick_Wagner / checkered / layer /

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen 2013-08-14

June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen photo Randi Grov Berger June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen June Twenty First, Entree, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / arena / temporary / structure / installation / Norway / 2013 / Eleanor_Clare / Entree / animation / yellow / tube / stripe / June_Twenty_First / vinyl / pile / tire / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / presentation / steel / helmet / flag / Patrick_Wagner / Randi_Grov_Berger / Bergen / drum / checkered / octagon /

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) 2013-08-14

June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) Produced in collaboration with Patrick Wagner June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner) June Twenty First (printed by Patrick Wagner)

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / blue / design / collaboration / print / 2013 / Entree / yellow / edition / June_Twenty_First / screen_print / Patrick_Wagner /

Apis Press Publication 2013-08-14

Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication printed by Apis Press in collaboration with Bjorn Mortensen and Entree all texts by Eleanor Clare Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication Apis Press Publication

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / collaboration / print / 2013 / publication / Entree / Eleanor_Clare / universe / June_Twenty_First / edition / midsummer / Bjorn_Mortensen / Apis_Press / Bergen / Appendix /

Ant Circle 2013-07-28

Tags: research / work / documentation / loop / system / movement / cycle / video / circle / escape / communicaton / universe / death / destroy / crowd / phenomena / survival / march / ants /

Entree, Friday June 21/ 8pm, Nostegaten 42, Bergen 2013-06-21

Entree, Friday June 21/ 8pm, Nostegaten 42, Bergen

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / documentation / red / design / video / Norway / 2013 / Entree / animation / yellow / midsummer / Bergen /

disappearances 2013-03-09

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / repeat / loop / box / belief / game / video / fake / collection / empty / show / simulation / magic / garage / trick / chair / crate / disappearance / 2009 / reveal /

Horizon Publication 2012-10-20

Horizon Publication Horizon Publication Horizon Publication

Tags: work / exhibition / recent_work / stage / documentation / collaboration / stand / structure / architecture / elevation / Norway / publication / sculpture / podium / plinth / scenery / scaffold / landscape / scale / dioramas / view / platform / museum / panoramic / stair / viewpoint / Bergen / Mathijs_van_Geest / international / interchange / Moderna_Museet / nordic / perspective / Emma_Houlihan / Bryndis_Bjornsdottir / Hulda_Stefansdottir / Stockholm / Lina_Zaveckyte / Pella_Kagerman / Domas_Rukas / Karen_Kipphoff / Olav_Westphalen / Vilnius / Asta_Ostrovskaja / Gabriele_Edlbauer / Marjolijn_Dijkman / Sindri_Snaer_Sveinbjargar_Leifsson / Irma_Stanaityte / Baldvin_Einarsson / Helene_Norseth / Michelle_Teran / Werner_Nekes / Reykjavik / symposium / Kari_Stefansson /

untitled 2012-10-01

untitled untitled untitled untitled

Tags: work / commerce / recent_work / sign / stage / documentation / 2012 / stand / temporary / function / production / light / modular / Norway / studio / collapse / board / sculpture / plinth / black / scenery / retail / incomplete / lights / dysfunctional / vinyl / shelving / aluminium / set / postcard / florescent / glass / soma /

research area map 2012-08-16